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Authentication in Jigsaw

Setting up authentication requires you to run through the following stages:

1) Open a JigAdmin window (see JigAdmin documentation)

2) Create an authentication realm, if required. You can of course reuse authentication realms to protect different areas of the server. Select the "realms" node under "http-server", type the name of your new realm (ie "w3c") in the "Realm name" field and click on the "Add Realm" button.

3) Add some user for the new realm. Select the new "w3c" node under "realms", type the user name (ie "tim") in the appropiate field and click on the "Add User" button.
4) Setup the user attributes. The user attributes are describe in the AuthUser reference page. Don't forget to commit your changes.
5) Setup an authentication filter on the appropriate frame. The target of the filter can be either a directory resource (in which case the filter will protect all the area defined by the sub-resources of this directory resource), or any other resource (hence allowing you to protect a single resource). Actually, the filter must be attached to the frame of the resource to filter. In this example we will setup a filter on a DirectoryResource.
  1. Select the resource you want to filter
  2. Click on the "Frames" button on top of the right part of the window
  3. Expand the resource node (in the little tree on the right)
  4. Select the frame of this resource (should be HTTPFrame)
  5. Click on the "Back to Add  Frame menu" button
  6. Select "org.w3c.jigsaw.auth.GenericAuthFilter" as the filter class
  7. Click on the "AddFrame" button.
6) Setup the authentication filter parameters. The GenericAuthFilter attributes are described in the reference page. Type "w3c" in the "realm" field and "tim" in the "users" field. Don't forget to commit your changes.
That's it, your resource has now a restricted access!

Jigsaw Team

$Id: authentication.html,v 1.2 1998/04/17 08:06:59 benoit Exp $