[WinObj Logo] Copyright © 1997 Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell Last Updated July 9, 1997 WinObj - Object Manager Name Space Viewer Introduction WinObj is a 32-bit Windows NT program that uses the native Windows NT API (provided by NTDLL.DLL) to access and display information on the NT Object Manager's name space. Except for one directory, DosDevices, this entire name space is private to the NT operating system. Winobj may seem similar to the Microsoft SDK's program of the same name, but the SDK version suffers from numerous significant bugs that prevent it from displaying accurate information (e.g. its handle and reference counting information is totally broken). In addition, our WinObj shows specific information about certain object types that the MS WinObj does not. We will be expanding WinObj's knowledge about object types over time. Source code and documentation for the currently undocumented NTDLL calls WinObj uses will be published in our book, Windows NT Internals (from IDG Books). Installation There is no device driver component to WinObj, so you can and Use run it like any Win32 program. Sample Screen This is a screenshot of WinObj browsing the Object Shot Manager namespace. How It Works The Object Manager is in charge of managing internal NT objects. As part of this responsibility, it maintains an internal namespace where various operating system components, device drivers and Win32 programs can store and lookup objects. The native NT API provides routines that allow user-mode programs to browse the namespace and query the status of objects located there, but the interfaces are undocumented. Our book will describe the Object Manager's functionality in intimate detail and document NTDLL routines such as those used by WinObj. More Information Helen Custer's Inside Windows NT provides a good overview of the Object Manager name space. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Winobj (20KB) [Image]