TABLE 1: Registry Value Types Value Type Description REG_NONE No value type REG_SZ Unicode NULL terminated string REG_EXPAND_SZ Unicode NULL terminated string that can have embedded environment variables REG_BINARY Arbitrary length binary data REG_DWORD 32-bit number REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN 32-bit number, high byte first REG_LINK Unicode symbolic link REG_MULTI_SZ Array of Unicode strings REG_RESOURCE_LIST Hardware resource description REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Hardware resource description REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST Resource requirements TABLE 2: Registry Root Keys Root Key Description Link HKEY_CURRENT_USER Information related to Subkey under HKEY_USERS corresponding to currently logged-on user currently logged-on user HKEY_USERS Contains subkeys for all Not a link local user accounts Contains file association HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and OLE registration HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Classes information All static and dynamic HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE system configuration Not a link information HKEY_DYN_DATA Performance counters Not a link HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGInformation about SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Hardware hardware configuration Profiles\Current TABLE 3: Registry Root Key Abbreviations Root Key Abbreviation HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKCU HKEY_USERS HKU HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKCR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKLM HKEY_DYN_DATA HKDD HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKCC TABLE 4: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Subkeys Subkey Description AppEvents Sound/event associations Console Command window shortcut settings (e.g., width, height, colors) Control Panel Screen saver, desktop scheme, keyboard, and mouse settings Environment Environment variable definitions Keyboard Layout Keyboard layout setting (e.g., US, UK) Network Network drive mappings and settings Printers Printer connection settings Software User-specific software preferences UNICODE Program Groups User-specific start menu group definitions Windows 3.1 Migration File status data for systems that upgrade from Status Windows 3.x to NT 4.0 TABLE 5: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet Subkeys Subkey Description Control Static NT tuning and configuration parameters Enum Information collected when drivers and services are started Hardware Profiles Video-related configuration information Services Startup and error control for device drivers and services TABLE 6: Services Values and Subkeys Value Description DisplayName Name shown in Control Panel's Services or Devices applets ImagePath Pathname of service or driver file if it's not in SystemRoot\System32\Drivers ErrorControl Indicates action NT will take if service or device reports an error when it starts 0=Boot Start (core drivers) 1=System Start (at blue screen) Start 2=Auto Start (after Win32 starts­approximately when logon prompt appears) 3=Demand Start 4=Disabled Type Kernel-mode driver, File System, Win32 Service, etc. Group, Tag Controls load ordering for Boot Start and System Start drivers DependOnService, DependOnGroup Controls load ordering for Auto Start Drivers Parameters Stores driver/service-dependent private settings TABLE 7: Tuning a Workstation Target Tuning Option LargeSystemCache Size Minimize Memory Used 0 1 Balance 0 2 Maximize Throughput for File Sharing 1 3 Maximize Throughput for Network Applications 0 3