index.txt This file. bumpup.awk Massage MIDL RPC stubs to fix buffer size problem in RPC run-time. checkacl.cpp A sample exploring NTFS file/dir permissions and so on. is_svc.txt Is the current process being started as a service? C++ code. Thanks, Rohan! lu_cpau_gui.cpp Chris Novak's LogonUser()/CreateProcessAsUser() sample for GUI programs. Thanks, Chris! A demo for old MIDL bugs -- and the only authenticated-RPC sample I know of. nse.c A short sample demoing NetServerEnum(). nue_nqdi.cpp A short sample demoing NetUserEnum() and NetQueryDisplayInformation(). nugg.cpp A sample demoing NetUserGetGroups() and its weird memory management. rb.c Reboot local or remote NT machines showpriv_getsetcbpriv.cpp Show privs and enable SeTcbPrivilege sample wnoe_wner.c Enumerates entire network with WNetOpenEnum(), WnetEnumResource()