[Image] [Image] Known Bugs * Mocha will sometimes crash with a NullPointerException in Vector.indexOf, usually followed by a GPF or SISEGV (or whatever it is called on your platform) in the Java interpreter. (The latter happens when the interpreter tries to print the stack trace of the NullPointer exception and is totally benign.) * Another NullPointerException occurs when decompiling Object.class, because it has no superclass. * Mocha will sometimes take a very long time to decompile a method. A little patience (up to 15 [Image] minutes or so) helps a lot. * Mocha will sometimes print the message "Declarators could not be incorporated in for statement". This is an informational message that can be ignored. * Mocha will print the message "Flow Analysis did not complete" when it could not fully reduce the control flow graph of a method. The source code for the affected method will be incorrect in those cases. * The names of local variables of a class type can be reserved words. Examples are Class class, Double double, etc. Other Bugs There is no point in reporting other beta1 bugs.