From: Hein RMS van den Heuvel [] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:14 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Extract SYSUAF.DAT into a CSV File Just Google for "sysuaf csv" and "feel lucky" ?! Hein #include #include #include #include #include /* GETUAI.C, Hein van den Heuvel, September 1997 ** ** Test program to extract SYSUAF data into comma seperated value (CSV) list. ** Only tested using VAXC, the fao_param list use will need fixing for Alpha. */ typedef struct { short size, code; void *buf; short *len; } item; typedef struct { short size, code; char *format, *name ;} field; char *out_p, *fao_p, username[64]; $DESCRIPTOR (username_d, username); void setup_field ( field *f, item *i, char *buffer, void **fao_param ) { out_p += sprintf (out_p, "%s,",f->name); i->size = f->size; i->code = f->code; i->len = NULL; strcpy (fao_p, f->format); fao_p += strlen( f->format); if (f->size <= 4) { i->buf = (void *) fao_param; *fao_param = 0; } else { i->buf = buffer; *fao_param = buffer; memset ( buffer, 0, 8); if (f->code == UAI$_USERNAME) *fao_param = &username_d; } } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { field fields[] = { 32, UAI$_USERNAME, "!AS,", "USERNAME", /* username */ 32, UAI$_ACCOUNT, "!AC,", "ACCOUNT", /* account name */ 2, UAI$_ASTLM, "!UW,", "ASTLM", /* AST queue limit */ 3, UAI$_BATCH_ACCESS_P, "!XL,", "BATCH_ACCESS_P", /* hourly batch access, primary */ 3, UAI$_BATCH_ACCESS_S, "!XL,", "BATCH_ACCESS_S", /* hourly batch access, secondary */ 2, UAI$_BIOLM, "!UW,", "BIOLM", /* buffered I/O limit */ 4, UAI$_BYTLM, "!UL,", "BYTLM", /* buffered I/O byte count limit */ 32, UAI$_CLITABLES, "!AC,", "CLITABLES", /* user CLI tables */ 4, UAI$_CPUTIM, "!UL,", "CPUTIM", /* CPU time quota */ 32, UAI$_DEFCLI, "!AC,", "DEFCLI", /* default command interpreter */ 32, UAI$_DEFDEV, "!AC,", "DEFDEV", /* default device */ 64, UAI$_DEFDIR, "!AC,", "DEFDIR", /* default directory */ 8, UAI$_DEF_PRIV, "!@XL,", "DEF_PRIV", /* default process privileges */ 4, UAI$_DFWSCNT, "!UL,", "DFWSCNT", /* default working set size */ 3, UAI$_DIALUP_ACCESS_P, "!UW,", "DIALUP_ACCESS_P", /* hourly dialup access, primary */ 3, UAI$_DIALUP_ACCESS_S, "!UW,", "DIALUP_ACCESS_S", /* hourly dialup access, secondary */ 2, UAI$_DIOLM, "!UW,", "DIOLM", /* direct I/O limit */ /* 4, UAI$_ENCRYPT, "!@XL,", "ENCRYPT", encryption algorithm */ /* 4, UAI$_ENCRYPT2, "!@XL,", "ENCRYPT2", encryption algorithm for 2nd pwd */ 2, UAI$_ENQLM, "!UW,", "ENQLM", /* enqueue limit */ 8, UAI$_EXPIRATION, "!%D,", "EXPIRATION", /* expiration date for account */ 2, UAI$_FILLM, "!UW,", "FILLM", /* open file limit */ 4, UAI$_FLAGS, "!XL,", "FLAGS", /* user flags longword */ 2, UAI$_GRP, "!OW,", "GRP", /* group subfield */ 2, UAI$_JTQUOTA, "!UW,", "JTQUOTA", /* job-wide logical name table creation quota */ 8, UAI$_LASTLOGIN_I, "!%D,", "LASTLOGIN_I", /* date of last interactive login */ 8, UAI$_LASTLOGIN_N, "!%D,", "LASTLOGIN_N", /* date of last non-interactive login */ 64, UAI$_LGICMD, "!AC,", "LGICMD", /* login command file */ 3, UAI$_LOCAL_ACCESS_P, "!XW,", "LOCAL_ACCESS_P", /* hourly local access, primary */ 3, UAI$_LOCAL_ACCESS_S, "!XW,", "LOCAL_ACCESS_S", /* hourly local access, secondary */ 2, UAI$_LOGFAILS, "!UW,", "LOGFAILS", /* count of login failures */ 2, UAI$_MAXACCTJOBS, "!UW,", "MAXACCTJOBS", /* maximum jobs for account allowed */ 2, UAI$_MAXDETACH, "!UW,", "MAXDETACH", /* maximum detached processes for UIC */ 2, UAI$_MAXJOBS, "!UW,", "MAXJOBS", /* maximum jobs for UIC allowed */ /* 2, UAI$_MAX_CLASS, "!UW,", "MAX_CLASS", maximum security class */ 2, UAI$_MEM, "!OW,", "MEM", /* member subfield */ /* 2, UAI$_MIN_CLASS, "!UW,", "MIN_CLASS", minimum security class */ 3, UAI$_NETWORK_ACCESS_P, "!XW,", "NETWORK_ACCESS_P", /* hourly network access, primary */ 3, UAI$_NETWORK_ACCESS_S, "!XW,", "NETWORK_ACCESS_S", /* hourly network access, secondary */ 32, UAI$_OWNER, "!AC,", "OWNER", /* owner's name */ /* 4, UAI$_PARENT_ID, "!XL,", "PARENT_ID", identifier of owner of this account */ 4, UAI$_PBYTLM, "!UL,", "PBYTLM", /* paged buffer I/O byte count limit */ 4, UAI$_PGFLQUOTA, "!UL,", "PGFLQUOTA", /* page file quota */ 4, UAI$_PRCCNT, "!UL,", "PRCCNT", /* subprocess creation limit */ 1, UAI$_PRI, "!UB,", "PRI", /* base process priority */ 4, UAI$_PRIMEDAYS, "!XL,", "PRIMEDAYS", /* bits representing primary days */ 8, UAI$_PRIV, "!@XL,", "PRIV", /* process privilege vector */ /* 1, UAI$_PROXIES, "!UW,", "PROXIES", number of proxies granted */ /* 1, UAI$_PROXY_LIM, "!UW,", "PROXY_LIM", number of proxies user can grant */ /* 1, UAI$_PWD, "!UW,", "PWD", hashed password */ /* 1, UAI$_PWD2, "!UW,", "PWD2", second password */ /* 1, UAI$_PWD2_DATE, "!UW,", "PWD2_DATE", date of 2nd password change */ 8, UAI$_PWD_DATE, "!%D,", "PWD_DATE", /* date of password change */ 1, UAI$_PWD_LENGTH, "!UB,", "PWD_LENGTH", /* minimum password length */ 8, UAI$_PWD_LIFETIME, "!%D,", "PWD_LIFETIME", /* password lifetime */ 1, UAI$_QUEPRI, "!UB,", "QUEPRI", /* maximum job queuing priority */ 3, UAI$_REMOTE_ACCESS_P, "!XL,", "REMOTE_ACCESS_P", /* hourly remote access, primary */ 3, UAI$_REMOTE_ACCESS_S, "!XL,", "REMOTE_ACCESS_S", /* hourly remote access, secondary */ /* 1, UAI$_RTYPE, "!UW,", "RTYPE", UAF record type */ /* 1, UAI$_SALT, "!UW,", "SALT", random password salt */ 2, UAI$_SHRFILLM, "!UW,", "SHRFILLM", /* shared file limit */ /* 1, UAI$_SUB_ID, "!UW,", "SUB_ID", user sub-identifier */ 2, UAI$_TQCNT, "!UW,", "TQCNT", /* timer queue entry limit */ 4, UAI$_UIC, "!XL,", "UIC", /* user ID code */ /* 1, UAI$_USERNAME_TAG, "!UW,", "USERNAME_TAG", tag to differentiate records */ /* 1, UAI$_USRDATOFF, "!UW,", "USRDATOFF", offset of counted string of user data */ /* 1, UAI$_VERSION, "!UW,", "VERSION", UAF format version */ 4, UAI$_WSEXTENT, "!UL,", "WSEXTENT", /* working set size limit */ 4, UAI$_WSQUOTA, "!UL,", "WSQUOTA"} ; /* working set size quota */ #define FIELDS sizeof ( fields ) / sizeof ( field ) struct FAB fab; struct RAB rab; struct XABKEY key; char fao[512], out[1024], buffers[FIELDS][64], keybuf[32]; int fao_params[FIELDS], i, j, k, l, s, context = -1, match; item items[FIELDS + 1]; $DESCRIPTOR (out_d, out); $DESCRIPTOR (fao_d, fao); fab = cc$rms_fab; rab = cc$rms_rab; key = cc$rms_xabkey; fab.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_SHRPUT; fab.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_GET; fab.fab$l_fna = "SYSUAF"; fab.fab$b_fns = 6; fab.fab$l_dna = "SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT"; fab.fab$b_dns = strlen (fab.fab$l_dna); fab.fab$l_xab = (void *) &key; rab.rab$l_fab = &fab; rab.rab$l_ubf = (char *) &out; rab.rab$w_usz = sizeof (out); rab.rab$l_kbf = keybuf; rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY; out_p = out; fao_p = fao; k = 0; if (argc < 2) { printf ("Usage: getuai username [uai field list]\n"); return 1; } k = 0; if (argc > 2) { for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { match = 1; for (j = 0; j < strlen(argv[i]); j++) argv[i][j]=_toupper(argv[i][j]); for (j = 0; (j < FIELDS) && (match != 0); j++) match = strncmp(argv[i],fields[j].name,strlen(argv[i])); j--; /* probably my programming bug. needed on VAXC. */ if (match == 0) { setup_field ( &fields[j], &items[k] , buffers[k], &fao_params[k] ); k++; } else printf ("NO match found for %s\n", argv[i]); } } else { for (; k < FIELDS; k++) setup_field ( &fields[k], &items[k] , buffers[k], &fao_params[k] ); } *(--out_p) = 0; printf ("%s\n", out); items[k].size = 0; items[k].code = 0; fao_d.dsc$w_length = fao_p - fao - 1; /* strip last comma */ l = strlen(argv[1]); for (j = 0; j < l; j++) keybuf[j]=_toupper(argv[1][j]); rab.rab$b_ksz = l; s = SYS$OPEN ( &fab ); if (!(s&1)) return s; s = SYS$CONNECT ( &rab ); if (keybuf[0] == '*') { rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ; if (s & 1) s = SYS$FIND ( &rab ); /* skip password rec */ } if (s & 1) s = SYS$FIND ( &rab ); rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ; while (s & 1) { s = SYS$GET ( &rab ); memcpy (username, &out[key.xab$w_pos0], 32); for (i = 0; !(isspace(username[i])); i++); username_d.dsc$w_length = i; if ( (keybuf[0] != '*') && strncmp(keybuf,username,strlen(keybuf)) != 0) break; out_d.dsc$w_length = sizeof ( out ); if (s & 1) s = sys$getuai ( 0, &context, &username_d, &items, 0, 0, 0); if (s & 1) s = sys$faol ( &fao_d, &out_d, &out_d, fao_params ); if (s & 1) s = lib$put_output ( &out_d ); } if (s==RMS$_EOF) s=1; return s ; }