From: Vinit [] Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 4:31 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Firmware Update and VMS upgrade chanded device names. Thanks John, Found out VMS 7 has a sys$devices.dat which can actually make this happen. I just mapped by PKD0: to 1 made all the devices to be presented as DKAn: rather than DKDn: :) Cheers Vinit Adya John Santos wrote in message news:<>... > On 8 Jan 2003, Vinit wrote: > > > Hi Everyone, > > > > I had an existing AXP4100, with all disks named DKAn: connected to > > SCSI controller SCSI PKD0: (disk served by HSZ70.) Now after firmware > > update on AS4100 console, and an fresh install of VMS (new disk) all > > disk devices have changed to DKDn: > > > > Could you help! > > > > Regards > > Vinit Adya > > It sounds like either the controller changed its name from PKA0: to PKD0:, > or that you used to have an allocation class defined for the HSZ70. > > If the 1st case, then either you have added some new controllers or > the firmware change caused a change in the naming rules for controllers. > There is nothing much you can do about this except 1) to back out the > firmware update (not recommended). 2) Reorganize the controllers on > the PCI to get your HSZ70 controller (currently PKD0:) to come out > as PKA0:. This may not be possible. A built-in controller, e.g. the > one for the CD, might always be PKA0:, or there might be an issue with > 32-bit vs 64-bit PCI slots or 33Mhz vs. 66Mhz buses that could cause > potentially serious performance problems. 3) Assign logical names > of the form "DKAnnn:" to each "DKDnnn:" disk. This could cause > collisions with existing real DKAnnn: devices, though. > > If the second case, then the old names were *NOT* DKAnnn:, but were > $xxx$DKAnnn:, where the xxx was the allocation class. When you > reinstalled VMS, did you wipe out or retain sys$system:modparams.dat > and the file where port allocation classes are maintained? (I forget > where these live.) > > > > *Never* ever use physical device names in *anything*, except in > sys$, where you should assign logical > names for all the physical devices. (Actually, it is better to > put these commands in a separate .com file and call it from > Then you can move things around whenever you want > to by just editting the file and executing it interactively.) > > For example, you could number all your disks from 0 to n, and > assign logicals of the form "DISKn:" to each physical disk, and > then always use the "DISKn:" logical names everywhere else, > even when mounting them in (This is the old > MicroVMS scheme, I think.) > > Alternatively, you can use the logical names (based on volume > labels) assigned by VMS when you mount the disks. Then the > only place the physical drive name appears is in the mount > command; everywhere else, you must use "DISK$label:" instead. > > > Applications should use a second level (or even third level) of > logical names assigned to the first level in application startup files. > For example, application FOO's monthly reports should be stored > in FOO_MONTHLY:, which is defined as DISK17:[FOO.MONTHLY], or > better yet, define FOO_ROOT: as a concealed, terminal logical > name for DISK17:[FOO.] and define FOO_MONTHLY: as FOO_ROOT:[MONTHLY]. > > This way FOO can be moved to a different disk independently of > your physical volume labeling scheme. (You may want to put more > than one application on a single disk or split appart applications > that were formerly on a single disk for reasons of load balancing, > or because the data requirements are changing and things no longer > fit. This makes such things much easier.) > >