(LOGO.JPG) Python for OpenVMS

(go to: table of contents, index, prev: files from the Python distribution, next: preparations)

the Python for OpenVMS source kit

The 'source kit' countains all required files.

the Python for OpenVMS documentation

The whole documention is included in the 'source kit'.

Please note that not all parts are current. The format of the OpenVMS specific error messages has changed, but the reference manual has not been fully updated, yet.

The documentation is available in different forms:

HTML documentation
The '.HTML' files are distributed within the 'source kit' that was mentioned above. You can put these files on a web server or directly read them with a browser. See the 'General Manual' for more details.

Keep the [.VMS.DOC] tree intact, because there are hyperlinks between the 'manuals'.

simple text format
These are files that have been run through a text formatter but they don't contain any information about bold printing. The individual pages are separated by FormFeed characters. Maximum page size is 66 lines, but there are no empty filler lines before a FormFeed character. You can send these files to a printer that doesn't understand that or read them directly with a text editor.

All four manuals are separately available:

printer format
These are files that have been run through the RUNOFF text formatter. They contain information for bold printing. Two variants are available:

  • A '.MEM' file for output on line printers.
    This file can be converted to the 'simple text format ('.TXT')' mentioned above.

  • A '.LNI' file for output on printers understanding ANSI sequences.

All 4 manuals are stored in an OpenVMS text library. The library contains another file (README_TLB.TXT) with detailed instructions how to extract the manuals from the library, how to convert a '.MEM' file to a '.TXT' file to get the 'simple text format' mentioned above and how to re-apply the correct record attributes to the '.MEM' and '.TXT' files.


After the download to an OpenVMS system do a:

          /OUTPUT=  README_TLB.TXT -
See file 'README_TLB.TXT' for further details.
Note that the Python for OpenVMS documentation only describes the OpenVMS related parts. You should download the Python documentation, too.

precompiled object code

For very specific configurations I MIGHT make precompiled object code available. They may NOT work on your configuration! I'm sorry, but that is the best you can expect from a 'hobby project'.

Start at http://www.decus.de/~zessin/python2/obj.html to see if and what versions are available.

tools to build Python on OpenVMS

Beginning with version 1.5.2-V001 you only need the UNZIP tool that is used to extract (and decompress) a single or multiple files from a '.ZIP' archive.

Explaining this tool in more detail is beyond the scope of this manual, sorry. You should be able to get along with it if you follow the instructions in the 'installing and building' section of this manual.

I have made available executable files of the tools that I use. They can be downloaded from:

Of course, there is NO guarantee that they work for you. The 'General Manual' of the Python for OpenVMS documentation has pointers where more up-to date versions (perhaps including source) can be found.

(go to: table of contents, index, prev: files from the Python distribution, next: preparations)

27-JUL-2001 ZE.