From: Didier Morandi [] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:50 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: DCL Minute of the St Valentine's Day: DCL_ANALYST $!+ $! DCL_ANALYST.COM $! $! Builds statistics on OPEN, CLOSE, READ etc and variable assignments and $! substitution. Also does simple checking on unclosed single or double quotes. $! $! $! DCL procedure name to be analysed. $! $! $! Display statistics on user terminal or in a resulting file. $! (see help at the end of this procedure) $! $! $! Creates a work file in the same location as the analysed file, named $! 'filename'.WORK (this file is actually preprocessed by DCL_DIET first). $! $! NOTE: DCL_DIET is (c) 1998 Charlie HAMMOND, COMPAQ Computer Corporation $! and is available from the COMPAQ OpenVMS freeware CDs v4 and v5 $! or from the following URL on the COMPAQ WEB site: $! $! $! QUALITY $! Due to the complexity of this processing, your feedback is VERY welcome to $! or within the comp.os.vms forum. Thank you. $! $! LEGAL $! This procedure is a NothingWare product from MORANDI Consultants illimited. $! ( $! $! Revision history $! $! Version Date Author action $! ------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- $! v1.0-0 07-feb-2002 D. Morandi creation $v="1.1-0"!14-feb-2002 DMo. add comments before release to c.o.v. $!- $ on warning then exit $ say = "write sys$output" !terminal or file $ if p1 .eqs. "" then goto HELP $ say1 = "write sys$error" !always visible $ if f$search(p1) .eqs. "" $ then $ say "File ",p1," not found." $ exit $ endif $ say "" $ say "This is DCL_ANALYST v",v $ say "" $ say2 = "!" !"V" quiet mode $ say3 = "!" !idem for "C" $ param = f$edit(p2,"upcase") $ if f$locate("V",param) .ne. f$len(param) then say2 = say $ if f$locate("C",param) .ne. f$len(param) then say3 = say $ dq[0,8]=34 ! " $ sq[0,8]=39 ! ' $ qq = sq + sq ! '' $ nb_at = 0 $ nb_read = 0 $ nb_write = 0 $ nb_openr = 0 $ nb_openw = 0 $ nb_opena = 0 $ nb_close = 0 $ nb_locas = 0 $ nb_glbas = 0 $ nb_subst = 0 $!+ $! If we have good old DCL_DIET in our login directory, as all DCL programmers $! should, let's diet the procedure before starting the processing (faster). $!- $ workfile = p1 - f$parse(p1,,,"type") - f$parse(p1,,,"version") + ".WORK" $ if f$search("SYS$LOGIN:DCL_DIET.COM") .nes. "" $ then $ say1 "preprocessing file with DCL_DIET..." $ define/nolog sys$output nl: $ @sys$login:dcl_diet 'p1' 'workfile' $ deass sys$output $ say1 "done." $ else $ say - "Source file will not be DIETed, DCL_DIET.COM missing in sys$login (how come?)" $ copy 'p1' 'workfile' $ endif $!+ $! Now we ease line analysis by removing these spaces which break f$element... $!- $ temp_file = "sys$login:edt_temp_" + f$getjpi(0,"pid") + ".temp" $ crea 'temp_file' $DECK s/$ /$/w/not s/ == /==/w/not s/ ==/==/w/not s/== /==/w/not s/ = /=/w/not s/= /=/w/not s/ =/=/w/not s/ := /:=/w/not s/:= /:=/w/not s/ :=/:=/w/not exit $EOD $ edit = "edit" $ edit/edt/command='temp_file' 'workfile' $ delete = "delete" $ delete 'temp_file'; $!+ $! Let's redirect the result into the user supplied file. $!- $ if p3 .nes. "" $ then $ say "Processing output redirected to ",p3 $ define/nolog sys$output 'p3' $ endif $!+ $! Now we load the source file in memory, to have direct access to all lines. $!- $ close/nolog ch $ open/read ch 'workfile' $ i==1 !this one should be a global s. $ say1 "Loading file..." $LOOP: $ read/end=EOF ch line_'i' $ line = f$edit(line_'i',"trim,upcase,compress,uncomment") $ if line .eqs. "" .or. line .eqs. "$" .or. line .eqs. " " then goto LOOP $ j=i !this one allows src navigation $LOOP_CONT: $!+ $! we have a continuation line, let's concatenate it (much easier to process) $!- $ if f$extract(f$len(line_'i')-1,1,line_'i') .eqs. "-" $ then $ j=j+1 $ read/end=EOF ch line_'j' $ line_'i' = f$extract(0,f$len(line_'i')-1,line_'i') + line_'j' $ goto LOOP_CONT $ endif $ i==i+1 $ goto LOOP $!+ $! We have loaded all the source, let's process each line now. $!- $EOF: $ close ch $ purge ="purge" $ purge 'workfile' $ nb_max = i - 1 $ i==1 $ we_are_within_a_DECK = 0 $ we_are_within_a_HTML_comment = 0 $LOOP2: $ line = f$edit(line_'i',"trim,upcase,compress,uncomment") !in case we $ line_len = f$len(line) !did not have $ if line_len .eq. 0 then pipe i==i+1 ; goto LOOP2 !DCL_DIET. $ if line .eqs. "$" then pipe i==i+1 ; goto LOOP2 $!+ $! If we are within a DECK/EOD pair, this is plain text, do nothing. $!- $ if we_are_within_a_DECK $ then $ if f$extract(0,4,line) .eqs. "$EOD" then we_are_within_a_DECK = 0 $ i==i+1 $ if i .gt. nb_max then goto ERROR_IN_DECK $ goto LOOP2 $ endif $!+ $! are we entering a DECK/EOD pair? $!- $ if f$extract(0,5,line) .eqs. "$DECK" $ then $ we_are_within_a_DECK = 1 $ i==i+1 $ if i .gt. nb_max then goto ERROR_IN_DECK $ goto LOOP2 $ endif $!+ $! If we are within an HTML comment, do nothing too. $!- $ if we_are_within_a_HTML_comment $ then $ if f$extract(0,,line) .eqs. "-->" then we_are_within_a_HTML_comment = 0 $ i==i+1 $ if i .gt. nb_max then goto ERROR_IN_HTML_COMMENT $ goto LOOP2 $ endif $!+ $! are we entering an HTML comment? $!- $ if f$extract(0,4,line) .eqs. "