Analog for OpenVMS

This is the home for OpenVMS support of "the most popular logfile analyser in the world", Analog.

The source code kit (Zip archive) with some tiny OpenVMS-specific tweaks can be found below as well as some pre-compiled executables for typical VAX and Alpha platforms.

Note, the official release of Analog is already OpenVMS-ready. My changes are just some cosmetic additions to further support OpenVMS in some of the output sections as well as including full distributions of the auxiliary libraries.

Analog v5.x

This is a full source code set including the full LibGD, LibPNG, ZLib, and LibJPEG libraries with support for building with JPEG Charts compiled in by default.

NOTE: v5.22 includes the security fix release of ZLib v1.1.4 as well as the security fix for Analog (see for details). All prior versions and releases should be updated to use at least v5.22 of Analog.


Use "shift-Select" for all non-Mac browsers to download these FTP transfers to your local disk. They are OpenVMS-specific executables.

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