From: Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 1:51 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: TCPIP$ logcials for CSWS CGI For those of you running Apache (CSWS) with Multinet, you have to define TCPIP$ logicals to match the UCX$ logicals to get CGI to work properly. Here is a quick command proc to find all the UCX$ logicals and create TCPIP$ logicals to match. It works for me, but hasn't been extensively tested. Your milage may vary. $ pid = f$getjpi( "", "PID") $ tmp = "ucx2tcpip_logs_" + pid + ".tmp" $ table = "" $ dblq = """ $ def/user sys$output 'tmp' $ sho log ucx$* $ open file 'tmp' $read_loop: $ read/end=eof file rec $ rec = f$edit( rec, "COLLAPSE") $ if f$locate( "LNM$", rec) .nes. f$length( rec) $ then $ table = rec - "(" - ")" $ goto read_loop $ endif $ if f$locate( "UCX$", rec) .eqs. f$length( rec) then goto read_loop $ left = f$element( 0, "=", rec) $ tran = f$trnlnm( 'left) $ newt = "TCPIP$" + ( left - "UCX$") - dblq - dblq $ newt = dblq + newt + dblq $ tran = dblq + tran + dblq $ define/table='table 'newt 'tran $ goto read_loop $eof: $ close file $ deletex/nolog 'tmp';* $ exit