Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE


Command Line Indexing Options

  usage: swish-e [-i dir file ... ] [-c file] [-f file] [-l] [-v (num)] [-S method(fs)]

  Options defaults in brakets:
        -i : create an index from the specified files
        -c : configuration file to use for indexing
        -f : index file to create [index.swish-e]
        -l : follow symbolic links when indexing
	-S : method to use [fs]
        -v : verbosity level (0 to 3)[0]

-i directory file ... (files to index)

This specifies the directories and/or files to index. Directories will be indexed recursively.

-S method for indexing ...

This specifies the method to use for indexing. Can be either fs for local indexing, or http for spidering

-c configfile ... (configuration file)

This specifies the configuration file to use for searching. You can use this as an only option to swish-e to do automatic indexing, if all the necessary variables are set in the configuration file.

If you specify a directory to index, an index file, or the verbose option on the command-line, these values will override any specified in the configuration file.

You can specify multiple configuration files in order to split up common preferences. For instance, you might store a file with the stopwords in it and have multiple other files that have different index file information.

  example 1: swish-e -c swish-e.conf

  example 2: swish-e -i /usr/local/www -f index.swish-e -v -c swish-e.conf

  example 3: swish-e -c swish-e.conf stopwords.conf

  1. The settings in the configuration file will be used to index a site.
  2. These command-line options will override anything in the configuration file.
  3. The variables in swish-e.conf will be read, then the variable in stopwords.conf will be read. Note that if the same variables occur in both files, older values may be written over.

-f indexfile1 indexfile2 ... (index file)

If you are indexing, this specifies the file to save the generated index in, and you can only specify one file. If you are searching, this specifies the index files (one or more) to search from. The default index file is index.swish-e in t he current directory.

-l (symbolic links)

Specifying this option tells swish-e to follow symbolic links when indexing. The configuration file value will currently override the command-line value.

-v (number), -V (verbose and version options)

The -v option can take a numerical value from 0 to 3. Specify 0 for completely silent operation and 3 for detailed reports. If no value is given then 3 is assumed.

Table of Contents

Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Hewlett-Packard Company
Originally by Kevin Hughes,, March 11, 1994.
SWISH-E is distributed with no warranty under the terms of the GNU Public License,
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
Public questions may be posted to the SWISH-E Discussion.
Document maintained at by the SunSITE Manager.
Last update December 16, 1998. SunSITE Manager: