From: Steve Lionel [] Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 9:02 AM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: %FOR-F-NOMSG, where's the real message? On 7 Jun 2001 14:50:57 -0500, (Bob Koehler) wrote: > >Compaq Fortran V7.3-965-44A1I running on Alpha OpenVMS 7.2-1. > >When I run the following Fortran 90 program with an intentional attempt >to allocate an already allocated array, I get a less than meaningfull >error message. Am I missing a message file? (I tried an explicit >set message on sys$message:f90$msg, sys$message:fort$msg, and >sys$message:fort$msg2.) This should be: FOR-F-INVREALLOC, allocatable array is already allocated The message EXEs you are looking at are for the compiler, not the run-time library. The FOR messages tend to come from the OpenVMS system messages, but this is a new one that wasn't in 7.2-1. I had thought we built the RTLs to include their own copies of the message, but perhaps the one you're using is not. Try downloading RUN it to unpack and then: $ PRODUCT INSTALL FORRTL /SOURCE=[] /HELP to install. This will give you the latest Fortran RTL, which I know includes the latest messages, and will also avoid a problem that's come up with upgrading to VMS 7.3, where you get a DUPKEY error during the VMS upgrade. I recommend that all Fortran users running OpenVMS Alpha 7.1 or later install this kit, which is compatible with older versions of the compiler. I'll be posting a more general message about this soon. Send me mail if you have questions on this. Steve Lionel ( Fortran Engineering Compaq Computer Corporation, Nashua NH Compaq Fortran web site: