DECnet for Linux

A project to provide DECnet phase IV connectivity for Linux

DECnet transport X11R6

The DECnet socket layer is capable of providing DECnet transport to X11R6 on Linux. Unfortunately the available binaries of X11R6 for Linux weren't compiled with DECnet support, so if you want to use X11R6 on Linux to run DECWindows applications over DECnet, you will have to recompile X11R6.

XFree86 3.3.3

The folks at Xfree86 have very kindly integrated the DECnet changes into the normal build system for Intel and Alpha so all you need to do now is:
1) Get the source
2) untar it
3) edit xc/config/cf/site.def to contain the line
#define HasDECnet 1
5) cd xc
6) make World

I've left Eduardo's instructions below for those that prefer to use the X11r6 sources instead.


1) First of all you will need to get the X11R6 sources from

I've only downloaded the tog-1.tar.gz   file that's about 14MB. Then I copied the fonts file from the old binary distribution
already installed in my Linux box. If you prefer you can get all the tog* files and build a complete X11R6.
After decompressing these tars files, a xc directory tree will be created.

2) Now move to the /xc/config/cf directory. You will have to create a site.def file and modify the existing file.
    My site.def file has only three lines. The last must be included only if you are not going to compile fonts.

          #define LinuxDistribution LinuxRedHat                    // If your distribution is not redhat look at for your name
          #define ProjectRoot /usr/X11R6.4
          #define BuildFonts NO

   On the files you must do some little modifications:
    -- Add -DPART_NET in the following section

            #ifdef i386Architecture
            #define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
            #define LinuxMachineDefines -D__i386__
            #define ServerOSDefines  XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
            #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
            #if UseElfFormat
            #define HasPlugin  YES
            #define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
            #endif /* i386Architecture */

    -- Add -DDNETCONN in the ConnectionFlags definition

            #define ConnectionFlags  -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN -DDNETCONN

    -- Add the line in red in the following section

            #ifndef LinuxDistribution
            #define LinuxDistribution DefaultLinuxDistribution
              Add "#define LinuxDistribution Linux<mumble>" to your site.def or host.def.
              Currently only LinuxSuSE will be figured out automatically.
              Valid values are (from the list at in Oct. '97):
                LinuxUnknown    (0)
                LinuxSuSE       (1)
                LinuxCaldera    (2)
                LinuxCraftworks (3)
                LinuxDebian     (4)
                LinuxInfoMagic  (5)
                LinuxKheops     (6)
                LinuxPro        (7)
                LinuxRedHat     (8)
                LinuxSlackware  (9)
                LinuxTurbo      (10)
                LinuxWare       (11)
                LinuxYggdrasil  (12)
           #define ExtraLibraries -ldnet

3) Now its time to start the compilation!!. In a Pentium 120Mhz it takes about 1:25 hrs. Please be patient.
    # cd /xc
    # make World >& world.log
    # make install >& install.log
    # make >& instman.log.

    Now the installation is complete. You can config your X11 environment and start using X11R6 over DECnet.
   Remember that in order to run DECwindows applications you will have to create /etc/X0.hosts files with the name of the DECnet nodes that can access the Xserver, or issue an xhost dnet:nodename interactively.

    If you wish to start a pure DECWindows Session you can use the dntask utility in your /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc
    and launch the sys$system:decw$startlogin application automatically!!


I am a full time worker so I cannot promise to provide you with support, but
I will eventually answer any mail I receive. I started this work because
I wanted some kind of interaction between my favourites O.S. (VMS and LINUX).

Eduardo Marcelo Serrat

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