From: Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 5:39 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: VMS Software Mirroring? wrote: > Now I have a question: WHY must the $allocation-class$ddcu[:] syntax be > used? As far as I can tell (and I have just read up on node and port > allocation classes), this is only necessary with dual-ported disks. I haven't examined the code myself, but I asked someone in VMS Engineering once and was told this was a consequence of the 16-byte limit on lock value block size in the lock manager. Volume Shadowing apparently uses lock value blocks to pass around shadowset member information, including device names, and at some point during the design a decision had to be made on what could fit into a lock value block and since an allocation class could fit into one byte, but an SCS node name would take 6 bytes (actually, the SCS spec. in fact allows for for up to 15 characters, in theory) the nodename would not fit into whatever space was available for it in a lock value block, so allocation classes are required for all shadowset member device names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Parris|Integrity Computing,Inc.| VMS Consulting: Clusters, Perf., Alpha porting, Storage&I/O, Internals Sent via Before you buy.