File: Building_SAMBA_VMS.TXT 15-Oct-2000 J. Malmberg Building this port of SAMBA_VMS is a complex business. This SAMBA for VMS port requires the FRONTPORT library. It must be installed before SAMBA can be run or built. The sources are spread through three directory trees. Logical names are used to keep the path lengths short. Unfortunately the number of logical names used for such a big project will require the JTQUOTA for the building account to be set to 30000. The first directory tree in search precedence is for the binaries and other intermediate files from the build process and for source modules where work is in progress. The second directory tree is for VMS specific SAMBA modules that have not been released by the SAMBA UNIX team. This is maintained as a set of CMS libraries. The third directory tree contains the SAMBA UNIX source as released by the SAMBA team. It is maintained as a set of CMS libraries to track the changes by the SAMBA team between releases. A logical name search list is used for each subdirectory for the build procedure to find the modules needed. The procedure SETUP_SAMBA_VMS_BUILD.COM will create the logical names that I use. It is located in the [.source] directory of the SAMBA VMS specific source modules. Before running it you should set your default directory to the base of the directory that you will be putting the files resulting from the build. It will create the subdirectories as needed. The SAMBA UNIX source is in multiple directories, and can not be stored in a single CMS library easily. I have chosen to create a CMS library for each directory that is in the SAMBA source. This CMS library tree will only have source that is released by the main SAMBA team. A DCL command procedure is used to load in new releases. It does a diff of each module, and only enters in changed generations. It also removes from the reference directory any modules that are no longer used. These Reference directories are at the end of the search lists that used by the build procedure SAMBA.MMS. A second CMS library tree is used to contain the VMS specific changes for building SAMBA. This can be set to readonly. This is in the middle of the search list. A third library tree is used to contained any source modules in progress. It also contains the binaries from the build process. This directory is in the beginning of the search list. The SETUP_SAMBA_VMS_BUILD command procedure assumes that CMS library trees for the SAMBA UNIX code and the SAMBA VMS code are on the same device. It also will create the directory structure for directory tree that is needed for the build products. The directory for the build product files does not have to be on same device as the CMS libraries. The SETUP_SAMBA_VMS_BUILD procedure sets up a symbol "make_samba" that when typed at the DCL prompt will build samba.