The _Digital Systems Journal_ listings These files are the programs that accompany articles published in _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_). They are available through DSJ@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU courtesy of Cardinal Business Media and Western Kentucky University. To request a sample issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine, please call Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Subscriptions to _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine are $48 per year (6 bi-monthly issues). Subscriptions can be obtained by writing to: Digital Systems Journal 101 Witmer Road P.O. Box 773 Horsham, PA 19044-9887 Please enclose payment, credit card information (VISA, MasterCard and American Express including account number and expiration date). For faster service, contact Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Foreign subscriptions are $66 per year. Prepayment is required. Files are as follows: JUNE94.INTRNL Writing International Code (Buhle) JUNE94.SCHED OpenVMS Class Scheduler (Cathey) JUNE94.TABLES Switching Logical Name Tables (McClanahan & Law) AUGUST94.GRAPHX - Graphics in X/Motif (Mione) AUGUST94.RCOM - Remote command program for DECnet AUGUST94.TMRQUE - Demo of how to allocate TQE elements & use OCTOBER94.DEBUG Debugging Techniques (Goatley & Heinrich) OCTOBER94.PING A Simple PING Command for OpenVMS VAX DECnet (Voros) OCTOBER94.RGSTRY Windows NT: Programming the Registry (Hanrahan) DECEMBER94.CSR AXP Migration: OpenVMS I/O Concepts: CSR Access (Thomas) DECEMBER94.DRAWX - Graphics in X/Motif (Mione) DECEMBER94.RECOVR Recovering Lost Files (Rollow) DECEMBER94.SQUEEZ PostScript Image Printing Without Tears (Brown) DECEMBER94.STEP2 OpenVMS AXP High-level Language Device Drivers (Cathey)