MPEG Video Software Decode for OpenVMS AXP (based on the Berkeley v2.0 MPEG code) Ported by Patrick L. Mahan, TGV, Incorporated (Mahan@TGV.COM) This is a release of the MPEG v2.0 viewer for OpenVMS AXP. It implements the MPEG standard as described in the Committee Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is sometimes refered to as the "Paris Format". This release contains everything to compile and display MPEG movies. The top directory contains the Unix sources for the MPEG viewer. There are two subdirectories. [.VMS] contains the previous released VMS code for the MPEG viewer that have been ported by Me to the Alpha under OpenVMS AXP v1.5 including modifications to add a CLD interface to the application. [.MOVIES] contains the current movie distribution from the Berkeley FTP site. To build the distribution, set default to [.VMS] and issue the command @MAKE. This will cause the MPEG viewer to be built on your system and requires DEC C v1.3 and DECwindows Motif 1.1. After the image has been built, modify the file MPEG_PLAYER.CLD and change the IMAGE clause to point to the location of the MPEG_PLAY.EXE. To display a MPEG video, simply issue the following commands: $ SET COMMAND [.VMS]MPEG_PLAYER.CLD $ MPEG/QUIET [.MOVIES]BIGE_ANIM.MPG ! Display the STTNG The MPEG command supports the following qualifiers: /NOP : causes the player to ignore and not display any "P" type frames. /NOB : causes the player to ignore and not display any "B" type frames. /DISPLAY : causes the player to open the window on the indicated X Windows Display. /NODISLAY causes the MPEG player to dither but does not display the output. /DITHER : selects from the following list a dithering option. ORDERED - ordered dither. ORDERED2 - a faster ordered dither. This is the default. MBORDERED - ordered dithering at the macroblock level. Although there is a noticeable decrease in dither quality, this is the fastest dither available. FS4 - Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 4 error values propogated. FS2 - Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 2 error values propogated. FS2FAST - Fast Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 2 error values propogated. HYBRID - Hybrid dithering, a combination of ordered dithering for the luminance channel and Floyd- Steinberg 2 error dithering for the chrominance channels. Errors are NOT propogated properly and are dropped all togethor every two pixels in either direction. HYBRID2 - Hybrid dithering as above, but with error propogation among pixels. 2X2 - A dithering technique using a 2x2 pixel area for each pixel. The image displayed is 4 times larger than the original image encoded. Random error terms are added to each pixel to break up contours and gradients. GRAY - Grayscale dithering. The image is dithered into 128 grayscales. Chrominance information is thrown away. COLOR - Full color display (only available on 24 bit color displays). NONE - no dithering is done, no image is displayed. Used to time decoding process. MONO - Floyd-Steinberg dithering for monochrome displays. THRESHOLD - Floyd-simple dithering for monochrome displays. /SHMEM : causes MPEG to use / not use the SHMEM extension. permitted values are ON and OFF. /QUIET : suppresses pringing of frame numbers, timing information, and most error messages. /LOOP : makes the MPEG player loop back to the beginning after reaching the end of the animation. /LUMINANCE : sets the number of colors assigned to the luminance component when dithering the image. The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. /CR_RANGE : sets the number of colors assigned to the red component of the chrominace range when dithering. The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. /CB_RANGE : sets the number of colors assigned to the blue component of the chrominace range when dithering. The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. More information can be found in the $*. files located in the toplevel and subdirectories. Several mailing lists for MPEG have been established: mpeg-list-dist@CS.Berkeley.EDU General information on the decoder for everyone interested should be sent to this list. This should become active after 11/20/92 mpeg-list-request@CS.Berkeley.EDU Requests to join or leave the list should be sent to this address. The subject line should contain the single word ADD or DELETE. mpeg-bugs@CS.Berkeley.EDU Problems, questions, or patches should be sent to this address.