-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- The programs provided here are either written by me and placed in the public domain or are VMS adapted versions of PD utilities from the U*x world. You are (subject to any other explicit restrictions specified in an individual package), permitted to make use of this information in whatever way you want on the understanding that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Many of my files have been zipped using the so-called "INFO-ZIP" PD version of the popular ZIP program. Similar to the ZIP program, it comes in many versions some of which are extremely incompatible. In case that is so, I have given you the corresponding UNZIP program. To use, define it as a foregn command: $UNZIP:==$UNZIP and then type UNZIP file (note, no extension) The files are: DOCS.ZIP - Numerous postscript documents relating to security, including John Covert's guide to the unsupported VMS LOGINOUT Callouts. AGREP.ZIP - Neat little program, a little like GREP but allowing for near misses. GETLCK.ZIP - Program to display locks on a system. [.PWDPOLICY] - Password policy module that doesn't need a dictionary for many languages in the English-Germanic family. Works by looking for illegal leter combinations in the password specified, forcing the user to either combine words or to use random letter sequences (more secure!). Note the following were written outside the US but export regulations may mean they have been removed from the distribution. OZDESCR.ZIP - Australian DES for many platforms. Very fast! This gives you an encrypt utility and a library. [.PGP] - Contains MSDOS Binary + docs distribution for PGP 2.3a and my latest hack at the source distribution (patch-level 02) for OpenVMS/VAX and a command procedure supporting OpenVMS/AXP for compile/build. Email: Compuserve: 70042,710 Internet: 70042.710@compuserve.com Hugh Kennedy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 26th November 1993 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.3a(3) iQCVAgUBLPYqEcUThsUodI4FAQHpDwP/dUE2Ar5VBBn+l6eJKdqyJCKZBtmKYyB6 AcYu9emWvKWojjrhECLZXPcRb1/9adW8wvPnvsS16G1efydW5kxjOqa29OSZBxEh uuiOPHrqWQCmopHla0wtLiXCDn+ZKRabjw5PavXGYYZqL0pc0MSW2B30tIZPEaOe 9FuobMeIujM= =uS2r -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: The DES and PGP material is not in the standard distribution so that issues with sending from the US can be avoided. An attempt will be made to make it separately available so US sites will not be the only ones on Earth denied this material though.