$! $! Project: SCSI $! Project Leader: Glenn Everhart $! Development Stream: Gryphon $! Checkin Type: Bugfix $! Problem Symptom: Devices appear offline $! $! Diagnosis: $! A number of customers have complained of non-Digital disks $! which cannot be accessed using DKdriver due to "invalid $! mode sense" errors. These occur because the current driver $! is very picky about certain error recovery parameters $! which must be set. In fact, no one knows why they need $! to be set, and experiments indicate that they are not $! in fact needed. Some VAX experience indicates that certain $! of these bits in fact must be tolerated in the opposite $! sense for some Digital HS controllers to work. Also, $! WORM devices cannot be written due to explicit check. $! Cure: $! Change the DKdriver tables to make bits preferred instead $! of required for all bits which were required except RC. For $! cluster support, ensure that bits required to be present in $! drives used on cluster shared SCSI busses are still required $! in the new DKdriver (by adding a copy of the old table and $! running the check against it, then having the cluster mount $! code in DKdriver test the results of that test). $! Code will then attempt to set all bits as before (and succeed $! in all previously successful cases) but tolerate other $! foreign devices, reducing number of customer complaints. $! Also removed the code which prevented WORM disks from being $! written. This had previously been removed but was erroneously $! reintroduced in a subsequent edit. $! (pick one) $! Platforms affected: Alpha now, VAX planned at later time $! $! Modules: DKDRIVER $! $! Affected Images (if feasible): $! SYS$DKDRIVER.EXE $! Impact/Risks: $! This has no effect on anything that previously worked, and $! allows no cluster access to anything new, but allows some $! third party devices to be used. While these devices may $! log errors, they will at least be accessible. It also will $! facilitate certain firmware changes in HS controllers which $! will cause them not to report all recovered errors, since $! this will allow them to be used. $! How this change was Tested: $! The driver was modified and built and run against several $! disks on an AXP 3000-400 running the X65N Gryphon build. $! SDA verified the new cluster bit was being set and cleared $! correctly and extensive running with normal SCSI disks, optical $! and CD disks verified no problems induced. $! Associated QARs,CLDs,SPRs: $! QAR from Oxford. BURNS CD requires some of these changes also. $! (Optional) Comments: $! $! (Optional) Special Build Instructions: $!