This directory tree contains my contributions to the Fall 92 VAX SIG tape. Each is documented in it's own directory but for brevity's sake: BECOME - Become another VMS user. Yet another one but I wrote this a long time ago and still prefer it to other implementations. DCLRB - Display another user's DCL recall buffer. Good demo of kernel mode ASTs! GETUAI -GETUAI from Fermilab, with some minor updates for the post 5.2 VMS changes. SETBACK-Set backup date on a large group of files. This code was written to support backup systems where a disk was split off from a shadow set, backed up and the time of the split needs to be recorded as the backup date/time on the current members. Contains a nice index file scanner so that entire volumes can be set within minutes. TELL My Tell utility. Tim Halvorsen wrote the original within Digital but it lacked a few features. This one has some lovely features, including the ability to execute on a number of nodes, remote printing and so on. TREEDEL-Yet another directory tree delete. All this code (other than GETUAI which is from Fermilab) was written by Oakweald Ltd and may be used under the following conditions: Copyright Notice And License To Use Copyright (c) 1992, All Rights Reserved by Hugh A.J. Kennedy. A license to use and adapt this software without payment is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1) It may only be copied with the inclusion of this copyright notice in the program source with these associated conditions. 2) No title to or ownership of this software is hereby transferred. 3) The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Hugh Kennedy. 4) The author assumes no liability for any damages arising from the use of this software, even if said damages arises from defects in this software. 5) No warranty as to merchantability or fitness of purpose is expressed or implied. 6) Any modifications to this source must be clearly identified as such and added to the modification history. If you can not comply with these conditions, you *must* contact the author and obtain permission otherwise you are in violation of copyright. Hugh A.J. Kennedy, Oakweald Ltd., London, England, Internet: Compuserve: 70042,710