Submission Title: DSNlink_NEW : Get new DSNlink articles Author: Dan Wing University Hospital 5250 Leetsdale Dr., #206 Denver, CO 80222 DECUServer username: WING 303-355-5806 Abstract: DSNlink_NEW can run at any time interval to pull new DSNlink article titles to your computer. This eliminates the need to check DSNlink for new articles that pertain to your site. It is fully configurable using logical names, command-line, or user-entered options. Computer and O/S Version Information: VMS V5.0 and above. Requires DSNlink (tested on V1.1-1) software. Other Documentation / Installation Instructions: May be placed in any directory; I've placed it in our world- accessible utility directory. Best to have it run a few minutes after midnight and search for all new articles since Yesterday. See the .COM file for more complete documentation and options.