Submission Title: The DECWMail-to-Tpu connection Submitter/Author: M. Erik Husby Lotus Development Corp. 1 Rogers St. Cambridge, MA. 02138 (617)693-4490 email: Abstract: The DECWMail-to-TPU connection is a program which allows DECWindows Mail to use an existing DECWindows TPU editing session as its editor. The TPU editor may be any DECWindows TPU based editor, EVE in any of its forms, or LSEDIT. The editor does not need to be active on the same node as DECWindows Mail, but if it isn't, then one will need to insure that SYS$SCRATCH refers to the same disk and directory. Computer and O/S Version Information: VMS 5.4 and above, DECWindows XUI Version 2 or DECWindows Motif. Other Documentation / Installation Instructions: The instructions for setting yourself up are in the file DECWMAIL.TXT. Please report any problems, major or minor, that you find. This software is postcardware; if you like it and find it useful, please send me a postcard.