JOBLOG: an bonafide terminal logging facility ---------------------------------------------- JOBLOG, a facility for logging terminal sessions, is now available. There are two types of JOBLOG log files: VERIFIED and UNVERIFIED. VERIFIED log files are guaranteed to be unedited by anyone, including the person who created it. Since the log files themselves are never accessible to the user while running JOBLOG, the only opportunity for modification is if logging is disabled while in JOBLOG, which immediately makes the log file UNVERIFIED. The difference between VERIFIED and UNVERIFIED log files becomes important for printed and mailed log files, especially for class assignments. This also corrects a major shortcoming of the SET HOST/LOG implementation since the file is never where a user can modify it. To start JOBLOG, enter: $ JOBLOG As a reminder, while in JOBLOG, your prompt will be JOBLOG. To exit JOBLOG, simply enter: $ LOGOUT Remember that after exiting JOBLOG, you are still logged in to the VAX and need to enter LOGOUT to end your session. There are two commands that can be specified while running JOBLOG: 1) turning time stamping of DCL commands on/off, and 2) turning logging on/off. To toggle time stamping of DCL commands on/off, enter Control-]. Time- stamping is initially turned off when you enter JOBLOG unless you specified the /TIME_STAMP identifier when JOBLOG is started. The time stamps for the DCL commands will only appear in the log file and will not appear on the screen. To toggle between logging on/off, enter Control-\. Logging is initially turned on when JOBLOG is started. If logging is ever turned off, the log file immediately becomes UNVERIFIED. The disposition of the log file upon exiting JOBLOG can be handled in two ways. You can either specify it when invoking JOBLOG or you can wait for JOBLOG to ask what should be done. The different dispositions for the log file are: 1) Print the log file. You will be prompted for the print queue to be used. The /PRINT qualifier can be specified upon startup to have the log file automatically printed upon exit from JOBLOG. The queue can be specified upon startup by using /PRINT=queue where queue is the print queue to be used. If the queue is not specified, you will be prompted for it after exiting JOBLOG. 2) Save the log file. You will be prompted for the name of the log file. The /SAVE qualifier can be specified upon startup to have log file automatically saved upon exit from JOBLOG. The filename can be specified upon startup by using /SAVE=filename where filename is the name of the file to which the log file is to be saved. If the filename is not specified, you will be prompted for it after exiting JOBLOG. 3) Mail notification of a pending log file. You will be prompted for the user that is to receive the log file. The /MAIL qualifier can be specified upon startup to have the notification automatically mailed upon exit from JOBLOG. The person to receive the notifi- cation can be specified upon startup by using /MAIL=username where username is the name of the user to receive the notification. If the username is not specified, you will be prompted for it after exiting JOBLOG. The log file notification will contain instructions on how to re- trieve the log file as well as whether or not the log file was VERIFIED or UNVERIFIED. There are certain restrictions on who can receive mailed log files. To be able to mail a log file to a user, the intended recipient must be faculty, staff, or hold the JOBLOG_RECIPIENT identifier. It is also not possible to send a log file to yourself. 4) Delete the log file. This is the default and can be used when you want to start over. Retrieving log files -------------------- Once you have received a log file notification, the log file can be retrieved by using the /RETRIEVE qualifier. Either /USER or /CLASS must be specified along with /RETRIEVE. For example, to retrieve a log file from user 620SMITH, the syntax would be: $ JOBLOG/RETRIEVE/USER=620SMITH The resulting filename would be 620SMITH.JOBLOG if the log file was VERIFIED and 620SMITH.UNVERIFIED_JOBLOG if the log file was UNVERIFIED. The /CLASS qualifier would normally only be used by instructors. For example, if an instructor wanted to retrieve all of the log files for one's CS 105 class, the syntax would be $ JOBLOG/RETRIEVE/CLASS=CS105 There are no spaces in the class specification. Since a user can only retrieve log files that were "mailed" specifically to him/her, the problem of retrieving log files for another instructor's CS 105 class is avoided. Mailed log files will be deleted after a certain length of time, currently ten days. After seven days, both the sender and the recipient will be warned that the log file hasn't been picked up and that it will be deleted. While running JOBLOG it is best to avoid doing full-screen applications such as editing. Sometimes they are not logged correctly, and such files also cause problems if they are printed. It is also not possible to run JOBLOG while in JOBLOG. For more information about JOBLOG, enter: $ HELP JOBLOG