This directory holds my personal contributions to the SIG tape. [.RDB_TO_RTF] contains a program and procedure to document an Rdb database: it writes an RTF file which contains revisable text for many PC and Macintosh word processing programs. [.TRIM] contains an improved version of the program which can do lots of processing on a file (remove leading and trailing characters, lines, do replacements, remove blank lines, and more). It can turn a directory listing into a command procedure in one pass. See the help file for more information. [.NETWORK] contains procedures which periodically get the counters for DECnet / P.S.I. lines: this version stores the data in an Rdb database to make analysis easier. [.FIXED_LENGTH] is a program which converts variable or fixed record length files to fixed length files. You can do things like turn BACKUP save sets into files which can be transmitted with XMODEM, and put it back in it's original form at the other end. Also good for getting text files down to PCs and Macintoshes. [.COMMANDS] contains some updates to example DCL files (all F$GETDVI codes, all F$FILE codes, all entry points in an image, etc.) [.SMG_IN_C contains revisions to my sample programs showing how to use SMG calls in the C programming language. Bart Z. Lederman System Resources Corp. Burlington MA