The files in this submission represent a snapshot of the files offered via the BITNET fileserver (VMSSERV@FHCRCVAX). They are offered here for the benefit of the many people who do not have access to the "Internet". If you do have access to BITNET (either directly or via a gateway on the Internet), then you can send mail to the account VMSSERV@FHCRCVAX containing the line HELP. You should then be sent a file which describes how to use the file server. The file MAKE-ALL.COM will build the MAKE utility, and then procede to build the rest of the utilities. Many of the utilities are set up to be defined as either real commands, or as foreign commands. These generally have a file with a name similar to utility_CLD.CLD. This file can be copied to something like utility.CLD and then edited, so that you may do a SET COMMAND on that file to define the command. Alternatively, you may use a symbol of the form "utility := $wherever:utility". All of these files were compiled and linked under VMS V5.2. The C compiler used is the VAX C V3.0 compiler, everything was compiled with /NOOPTIMIZE. To be honest, I haven't had a chance to test all of these utilities as compiled with this version of the compiler. [.BITNET] This package contains two short programs. GRAB is an example program that captures broadcast messages and simply outputs them to a file pointed to by the logical SYS$OUTPUT. LPUNCH is a program that converts files in listserv punch format. It accepts a list of wildcarded filenames, and converts the files that are in lpunch format. [.DECNET] This package contains some examples of using the QIO interface to NETACP to retrieve information. Included is a short program that displays a list of known nodes (similar to NCP SHOW KNOWN NODES), and one that displays a list of links. A commented version of NFBDEF.H is included. [.FILE] File is a utility which allows you to display and or change header information about a file. It is most usefull when you have somehow transferred a file from a non-VAX/VMS system to a VAX/VMS system (or vice versa), and you need to change characteristics of the file, such as changing the record size, or putting fortran carriage control back on a file. This utility does not create a new version of a file, it changes the information stored in the file header, making it quite fast. A good knowledge of RMS is usefull (necessary) when using this tool. Requires headers from [.HEADERS]. [.FIND] FIND allows you to search very quickly through the file system for files based on a wide variety of criteria. By mapping the index file into memory it performs The Fastest searches of any utility like it. Basically you can search based on any attribute found in the file header (creation date, amount of fragmentation, logical block numbers, whatever), given a minimum and maximum value. You can perform AND or OR searches on multiple criteria. You can also control what information will be displayed about the file. Requires headers from [.HEADERS]. [.HEADERS] This contains various headers used by the utilities. These files were all made with UNSDL, so if you have UNSDL, you don't really need this. Note that the other utilities look for these header files via the logical name UTIL$HEADER. [.KFE] KFE is a short example program for accessing the known file database (installed images). Currently it simply lists the known images. [.MAIL] MAIL contains a few example programs using the callable mail interface of VMS V5.0. Included are CHECKMAIL, which checks for and gives a brief display of new messages, FIXCOUNT which scans the mail database and fixes everyones new mail account according to how many new messages they Really have, and LISTUSERS which simply lists a little info about all the records found in the mail database. Requires headers from [HEADERS]. [.MAKE] This is the MAKE utility that I use to build these utilities. [.MENU] This is a simple single column or free flow menu program. It has quite a few nice features, including hidden commands, ability to force commands, ability to add new internal commands, plus many others. [.OBJECT] OBJECT is an example program for getting information out of object files. It's a rewrite of an old program which I use to get simple dumps of symbol tables (.STB files). [.SD] SD is a simple SET DEFAULT. One feature this has that most others don't is the ability to specify a wildcarded filespec and it will find the file and move to the directory where the (first matching) filespec is found. [.STATUS] STATUS is a fancy cluster/network wide SHOW USERS type of program. You can specify what you want to see, and how you want to see it. It can display any GETJPI item, several GETSYI items, plus several other things. You can select which processes you want displayed. It is also very easily modified. If you do make modifications, I would be happy to try and add them to this distribution in the future. Requires headers from [HEADERS]. [.UAF] UAF does for SYSUAF.DAT what FIND does for INDEXF.SYS. It allows you to search for users based on multiple criteria. Almost any field found in the UAF can be used for selection and/or display. [.UNMESSAGE] UNMESSAGE decompiles message files. Note, the decompiled message file will not be exactly the same as the original, as certain information is not stored in these files. However, the message text files created can be rerun through the message compiler (MESSAGE) and the resulting file will produce the same results as the original. [.UNSDL] UNSDL is a utility to aid in creating include files from the system definitions given in the text library SYS$SHARE:STARLETSD. It works in conjunction with the SDL/NOPARSE/LANGUAGE=language command to generate include files for any language you have a language generator for. Currently I have written a 'C' language generator. There is a lengthy description included to aid people in writing other language generators. [.VERB] VERB is a utility to make it possible to modify (or simply look at) command definitions. If you have suggestions, bugs/complaints, feel free to contact me. Joe Meadows Jr. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1124 Columbia St. Seattle Wa. 98104 voice - (206) 467-4970 bitnet - JOE@FHCRCVAX arpa/internet - JOE%FHCRCVAX.BITNET@OLY.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU