To get the Generic Task Toolset, Fafner release 1.1-DoD : get *either* the file toolset.tar.Z *or* the contents of the directory toolset-unpacked (or as much as you need of those contents-- if you have the December 7 pcl, skip the pcl subdirectory, and if you have the docs, skip the doc directory, etc.). NOTE: if you plan to take the toolset.tar.Z file, remember to set your ftp connection into binary mode the file toolset.tar.Z is a tarred, compressed version of the contents of the toolset-unpacked directory. To unpack: if you got the upacked version, you're set -- just read the top-level README file if you got toolset.tar.Z, do: mkdir toolset (or whatever you want to call the directory you keep the toolset stuff in) cd toolset (move into whatever directory you want it to live in) uncompress toolset.tar.Z tar xvf toolset.tar then read the README file. Have fun.