FAKE_VM - Special VM and EFN handling. FAKE_VM intercepts memory and event flag allocation routines and permits various debug and control options to help control or monitor the actions of these routines. FAKE_VM intercepts the following routines in LIBRTL: LIB$GET_VM The general get VM routine. [FAKE_VM does *not* handle zones!] LIB$FREE_VM The general free VM routine. [FAKE_VM does *not* handle zones!] LIB$SGET1_DD The get dynamic string routine. LIB$SFREE1_DD The free one dynamic string routine. LIB$SFREEN_DD The free n dynamic strings routine. LIB$GET_EF The general get EFN routine. LIB$FREE_EF The general free EFN routine. And, as of VMS V5.2, the following: LIB$VM_MALLOC The memory allocate routine. LIB$VM_CALLOC The cleared memory allocate routine. LIB$VM_REALLOC The memory reallocate routine. LIB$VM_FREE The memory free routine. FAKE_VM intercepts the following routines in VAXCRTL[G] provided that the VAXCRTL[G] shareable image was included when the image containing FAKE_VM was linked: MALLOC The memory allocate routine. CALLOC The cleared memory allocate routine. REALLOC The memory reallocate routine. FREE The memory free routine. CFREE The memory free routine. VAXC$MALLOC_OPT The optimized memory allocate routine. VAXC$CALLOC_OPT The optimized cleared memory allocate routine. VAXC$REALLOC_OPT The optimized memory reallocate routine. VAXC$FREE_OPT The optimized memory free routine. VAXC$CFREE_OPT The optimized memory free routine. FAKE_VM intercepts the following routines in DECW$XLIBSHR provided that the DECW$XLIBSHR shareable image was included when the image containing FAKE_VM was linked: XMEMORY_MALLOC The memory allocate routine. XMEMORY_CALLOC The cleared memory allocate routine. XMEMORY_REALLOC The memory reallocate routine. XMEMORY_FREE The memory free routine. Submitted by Mark Barmhall, DEC.