Submissions from Harvey Mudd College coordinated by: Chris Yoder (HMC Math) Chris Yoder Harvey Mudd College Claremont, CA 91711 (714) 621-8000 x3619 email to: CHRIS@YMIR.BITNET The following submissions were either written or modified by Chris Yoder. 1. EveEDT -- An EDT keypad on top of EVE. Also includes thing n window capability (where n is equal to (the number of lines on the screen - 2) / 2), rectangular cut and paste, and more. This submission replaces EVEEDT that was submitted on the Spring 87 tape under Hughes Aircraft (or perhaps under Kevin Carosso). Updated for VMS 5.0 and the EVE Build procedure. 2. Calendar -- A utility program to help remind people when to do things. Updated by Gerard Pence of Locke Computer Center. The following changes were made: o If years < 100 are entered, add 1900 to them. and change the help messages accordingly. o Simplify the main menu by adding letter commands( 's still work) o Increase from 5 to 10 the number of messages listed at a time. o Remove the "erase screen" from the "exit" routine. o Add a second calendar (next month) and keep this month's calendar on the screen just to the left of it. o Cause the reminders to be displayed in BOLD on each month calendar o Add the [Y]ear display o Add the repeat-type-code of each message to the [S]how display The following submissions have proven to be very useful pieces of software. The authors have granted me permission to submit these Page 2 utilities. 1. PS -- PS converts normal ascii text files to postscript (PS) files that may be printed on the Apple LaserWriter. This new and improved translator has many features including allowing the user to choose any of the built-in LaserWriter fonts. Users may also adjust margins, and set the size of the chosen font. PS also can translate RUNOFF .mem files. And yes! That means you can have underlining and boldfacing on the LaserWriter!!!! Please look at the the additional information on RUNOFF to find the RUNOFF specific commands. This is an update. Bug reports to DOUG@YMIR.BITNET.