From ncr-sd!hp-sdd!ucsdhub!sdcsvax!ucbvax!GALLUA.BITNET!CADS_COLE Sun Dec 20 15:04:44 PST 1987 On 19-Dec-87 Rom Kieffer posted the a query on how to play with his mail a la EDT. ... >but it seems I cannot tell the command to repeat from begin:end, I can of >course use 100(I> ^Z nl), but then if there are only 10 lines of text, the >editor creates another 90. Not quite what I intended.... So go backwards... Move to the end of the file and search in reverse for the string "^M" replacing it with "^M>". I've got a special EDTINI.EDT set up to do that. (I use MAILEDIT.COM to reference the new ini file.) Anyway, here it is for the curious: SET CURSOR 0:20 SET SCREEN 80 SET WRAP 79 SET SEARCH BEGIN SET ENTITY WORD '^H^I^J^K^L^M !"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' SET WORD NODELIMITER DEFINE KEY GOLD 8 AS "-C-CD+C+CUNDC+C." DEFINE KEY GOLD 14 AS "5SHL." DEFINE KEY GOLD 15 AS "5SHR." DEFINE KEY GOLD D AS "DATE." C; ER -L 32000(62ASC -2L) ER EX INC SYS$LOGIN:SIGNATURE.TXT F BEG SET MODE CHANGE The above plays around with what legally delimits a word, creates a transpose key and a shift screen left and right function. Then comes the fun part... the meat of your problem. We: force it into temporary change mode (C;) go to end of file (ER) backup one line (-L) repeat the following line LOTS (32000(...)) insert a ">" (62ASC) and back up to the beginning of the previous line (-2L) go to end of file again (ER) and exit change mode (EX) Drop in a signature file (INC...) and move to the beginning of the file (F BEG) and we're ready to roll. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Cole BITNET: KJCOLE@GALLUA.BITNET Center for Assessment and or Demographic Studies (CADS) CADS_COLE@GALLUA.BITNET Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) UUCP: ...!psuvax!gallua.bitnet!kjcole Gallaudet University CompuServe: 76167,1406 Washington, D.C. 20002 (202) 651-5575 "Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"