The following features are new to this release of Talk: - The /HOLD and /UNHOLD commands have been added to allow putting one essay message "on hold". - The number of lines in an essay has been extended to 20. - The /TO and /REPLY commands now automatically put you in essay mode if you are not already in essay mode. - The command /USERS has been expanded... "/USERS *" will now show a list of users in your current conference. - The /LIMITS command has been added to show Talk limits. - The /NODES command has been added to show other nodes linked to Talk. (no nodes will be linked as of yet) - The % character is now allowed in input lines. - Bells are now allowed in input lines. - The /LOG format has been changed. "/LOG n" now shows the last n people to leave Talk. - The /EXIT and related commands now allow you to specify a short (19 character) message that will be displayed in the log. - Talk should run somewhat faster.