ShowUAF, Version 1.0 SHOWUAF is designed to allow a VAX system manager to effectively examine the system User Authorization File(s) SYSUAF.DAT on one or more VAX systems. The files can be accessed directly or via DECnet. SHOWUAF will display all users that satisfy a specified set of parameters. For example, to display all users that have the SYSPRV authorized privilege, the input command would be: SHOWUAF> PRIV=SYSPRV Input commands to SHOWUAF consist of sets of parameter-value pairs. (In the above example, PRIV is the parameter, SYSPRV is the value). A parameter-value pair is connected by a comparison character of "=", "\", "<", or ">", which signifies that the check should be for users whose UAF value is equal to, not equal to, less than, or greater than, the value specified. When a parameter-value pair is processed, the result is either TRUE or FALSE. The sets of parameter-value pairs are separated by operators AND or OR, depending on whether the result of the processing of the parameter-value pair should be logically ANDed or ORed with the (composite) logical result of the previous pair(s). For example, to show all users not in UIC group 20 that have SYSPRV authorized privilege and have not logged in interactively since the beginning of 1988, the input command would be as follows: SHOWUAF> GROUP\20 AND PRIV=SYSPRV AND LOGINT<01-JAN-1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation of ShowUAF is via VMSINSTAL as follows: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SHOWUAF (kit location) The IVP furnished in the kit will create a default SHOWUAF_NODES data file that is required by the program. This file will contain the local nodename and access path to SYSUAF.DAT and will be put in SYS$MANAGER. (ShowUAF will run under VMS 4.4 through VMS 5.0-1) Happy UAFing! Stuart Renes OneDataPlace, Inc. 2813 Parkhaven Drive Plano, TX 75075 (214) 867-0057 SHOWUAF is an enhanced (and bug-fixed) version of the SCANUAF program written by J.D. Snyder at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.