SUBMISSION: VARIOUS SOFTWARE ITEMS FROM COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL 12-Nov-1988 Submitted by: Ken Richardson Compassion International PO Box 7000 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 594-9900 This software is made available to the public with no warranties, guarantees, or liability for its use or any consequences thereof. After all, it's free. However, I wouldn't submit it if I didn't think it worked correctly. And the code written at our site tends to be well-structured, efficient, clean, and debugged. CLOSE_VMS_ACCT.COM We use this command procedure to close our VMS accounting files every month. This facilitates usage analysis and archiving of accounting data by month. Nothing fancy, but if you don't have it, here it is. CONCATENATE_SIXEL.COB CONCATENATE_SIXEL.EXE This is a new program this year. It concatenates SIXEL graphs side-by-side. COUNTREC.EXE Count number of records in a file. COUNT_RECORDS.COM allows use with wildcarded files. DIALUPINI.EXE Reset Hayes compatible modems at start to quiet state to avoid undesirable interactions with LOGINOUT. DROIDS.EXE This game lets you get chased by robots on a 24x40 field. ENPAGE.EXE Reformat documents for LN03; adjust margins, pitch, etc. FORCEX.EXE Force an image to exit in another process. Generally cleaner than STOP/ID and leaves the victim process alive. INIT_DIALUPS.COM Reset modems once an hour to a default condition. LOCK_TERMINAL.EXE This is a simple program that accepts and verifies a password, then locks your terminal until you type the password again. REMINDPRT.EXE Are you using the REMINDER utility that has been on recent DECUS tapes? We are, and we needed more flexibility in printing out reminders, so we wrote a program to print simple calendars from the reminder file. No REMINDER user should be without it. Output goes to CI$OUTPUT. REMRESCHD.EXE One of the annoying things about REMINDER is that it deletes old reminders automatically, even if you never got to see it. Well, every night right after midnight I run REMRESCHD.EXE to reschedule old reminders up to today. That way REMINDER becomes a to-do list that won't let me forget a reminder unless I explicitly delete it. SHUT_LOGS.COM We use this command procedure to close our OPERATOR.LOG file nightly and open a new one. SYSTATUS.EXE Here's SYSTATUS version 5.0! It's a somewhat flexible system status monitor. Changes since version 4.7 (on the Fall '87 DECUS tape): The highest MAXPROCESSCNT that SYSTATUS can handle has been raised to 2048. The user interface has been upgraded substantially! New info about process jobtype, master/subprocess, and active/dormant characteristics. Also, the ability to selectively include or omit processes based on these characteristics. VMSDOWN.COM VMSDOWNUP.COM Command files to take VMS down and back up; run from batch and released by operators (so operators don't need the privs in THEIR accounts to shut down VMS).