DSRtoSDML DSRtoSDML is a program, written in Pascal, that converts DSRPLUS source files to VAX DOCUMENT source files. The converter performs the following actions: o Translates DSRPLUS commands to their SDML equivalents o Interpets and processes DSRPLUS flags appropriately o Treats some DSRPLUS command combinations as higher level constructs (for example, definition lists and literal tables) o Recognizes and processes cross references o Recognizes and processes captions o Removes control characters and protects characters reserved by VAX DOCUMENT o Processes RTB files for tables that are outlined with headings and vertical lines. This directory contains the program and the documentation for the DSRtoSDML converter. The program source, object module, and executable image are contained in the following files: DSRtoSDML.PAS The Pascal Source for the converter DSRtoSDML.OBJ The object module for the converter DSRtoSDML.EXE The executable image for the converter The formatted output for the documentation is provided in the following files: DSRtoSDML.LN03 LN03 output for the documentation DSRtoSDML.POST Postscript output DSRtoSDML.TXT Mail output To use the DSRtoSDML converter, copy the .EXE file to a directory on your machine and enter the following line in your LOGIN.COM file: $ DSRtoSDML :== $ yourdisk:[yourdirectory]DSRtoSDML.exe After executing your command file, you can run DSRtoSDML as follows: $ DSRtoSDML filename[/qualifier ...] Filename is the name of the file you wish to convert. DSRtoSDML converts the file you specify on the command line. It also converts any files that are included by the .REQUIRE command, providing the file has an .RNO extension. The file you submit to DSRtoSDML should be a file that runs correctly through DSRPLUS. DSRtoSDML interprets the flag settings and other control information that DSRPLUS requires. It must have a complete DSRPLUS file to do its job properly.