This is the Fall 1987 DECUS Symposium VAX Tape contribution by the Seattle LUG. This time, it contains contributions from the University of Washington Physics Department only. [.MACINTOSH] Macintosh related [.CONSTRUE] Reads Macintosh word processing files on the VAX. Only change from last submission is a fix to recognize MS Word 3.0n files properly. [.MACX] A Macintosh-VAX file-transfer program running on VAX. Our current version of the free MACX by Dan Smith of ERI using Belonis' XMODEM file transfer routines. Bug fixes and enhancements are documented at the beginning of MACX.FOR. See the file RESERVATIONS.TXT for reasons why not to use this if you can avoid it. [.TECHNOTES] An almost complete set of the Apple Macintosh Technical Notes, which Apple wants distributed as widely as possible. These can be read on the VAX with CONSTRUE and transferred to Macintosh using MACX. [.DECNETWORK] DECnet utilities [.ATNODE] Conversational DECnet object used by other utilities. David W. Bynon's as modified by J.James Belonis II. [.PRINT] NETPRINT on other nodes of DECnet with full positional qualifiers including /QUEUE etc. [.BATCH] NETSUBMIT to batch queues on other nodes of DECnet with full positional qualifiers including /QUEUE etc. [.COMMANDS] NETCOMMANDS sends a bunch of commands to a bunch of remote nodes. [.ADDUSER] Adds a username etc. to our mixed VAXcluster & DECnet. [.SHARE_EXE] John Whitmore's shareable executable builder. Resubmission with improved documentation. [.XMODEM] Jim Belonis' version of VAX XMODEM 5.62 including recent MUCH faster CRC calculation & reduction of I/O calls on receive. For dial-in file transfer. [.MODEM7] Dialout Companion program to XMODEM (same improvements) (requires previously submitted HOST program) J. James (Jim) Belonis II Computer Cost Center Manager Physics Hall FM-15 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 (206)-545-8695 BELONIS@UWAPHAST via BITNET