RESTORE is a program to recover deleted files from FILES-11B volumns. Requirements: 1 The file header(s) and data blocks must have been deleted but not reused. 2 The data blocks must not have been cleared (eg. by DELETE/ERASE or indirectly by SET VOLUMN /ERASE_ON_DELETE) 3 VMS ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE utility Implementation: RESTORE is written in SDL VAX CORAL-66 and runs under VMS Version 4 Operation: Invoke the DCL command file GETFILE (which also documments the program). Answer the questions it asks you (when asked for File : enter file name only, ie. do not supply directory). Ie: $ SET DEFAULT $ @GETFILE [ disk_containing_deleted_file ] Contents: BUILD.COM Command file to compile and build program BUILD.LIS Log file from BUILD.COM EXTRA_... More info GETFILE.COM Command file restore deleted file(s) RESTORE.COR Source file RESTORE.EXE Task image RESTORE.MAP Task image map RESTORE.MAR Annotated assembler produced from source RESTORE.OBJ Object file SETHOST.LOG Demonstation (including typos) run VAXIOLIB.OLB I/O library. Please use only for re-linking RESTORE.EXE Other: This program has been tested on VAX/VMS version 4.3 However it should work on all (recent ?) versions. Because of changes made to the VMS run time library with VMS 4.2 the program image will need re-linking in order to run on versions of VMS before 4.2. The object library VAXIOLIB.OLB has been supplied only for this purpose. It has been has been reported as working fine under version 4.5 It has not been tested in a cluster or with shadow sets but should work with both.