This submission contains updates and additions to material found in the Fall '86 tape under the [.timeline] directory. Note that I am no longer at Timeline, rather I am at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer research Center.. Here is what I've got for ya : FILE - Converted from Basic to C, added features File is a utility which allows you to display and or change header information about a file. It is most usefull when you have somehow transferred a file from a non-VAX/VMS system to a VAX/VMS system (or vice versa), and you need to change characteristics of the file, such as changing the record size, or putting fortran carriage control back on a file. This utility does not create a new version of a file, it changes the information stored in the file header, making it quite fast. A good knowledge of RMS is usefull (necessary) when using this tool. INDEX - New (well, completely redone from scratch? was FIND) INDEX allows you to search very quickly through the file system for files based on a wide variety of criteria. By mapping the index file into memory it performs The Fastest searches of any utility like it. Basically you can search based on any attribute found in the file header (creation date, amount of fragmentation, logical block numbers, whatever), given a minimum and maximum value. You can perform AND or OR searches on multiple criteria. You can control what information will be displayed about the file. This is a "must have" (really!). Look at INDEX.HLP if this plea doesn't convince you.. Try it once.. You'll love it. STATUS - Completely redone, although not entirely finished STATUS is a fancy SHOW USERS type of program. You can specify what you want to see, and how you want to see it. It can display any GETJPI item and any GETSYI item. You can select which processes you want displayed. It is also very easily modified. This is a growing program, it will have many more features by the time the next symposia comes around (I hope!), including a decnet server task, continuous displays, etc. Not exactly a "must have", but at least a "must see". Check out WHO.COM in the [.status] directory for an example of its use. If you do make modifications, I would be happy to try and add them to this distribution in the future - contact me. VERB - bug fix, cosmetic change VERB is a utility to make it possible to modify (or simply look at) command definitions. This version fixes a minor bug with the cliflags() option, and handles disallows clauses in a prettier fashion. This is definitely a "must have" item as well. All of the non-macro code in this distribution has been compiled (using /debug) and the object files left intact. Since everyone has a macro compiler I have deleted object files for the macro code, to help save space. All programs have been compiled and linked, so you do not need to recompile anything. I personally like to check the code and recompile things anyway, being a not-very-trusting-kind-of-guy. I have created makefiles, for those of you with MAKE. If you do not have this, than GET IT! Actually, you should be able to figure out how to compile everything, nothing is too strange, except for STATUS. STATUS is only somewhat complicated in that two header files are created by running the program ORDER, which reads KEYWORDS.DAT and creates a sorted array of pre-initialized structures. Beats the heck out of creating a binary tree every time the program gets run! If you have suggestions, bugs/complaints, feel free to contact me, Joe Meadows Jr. VAX/VMS System Manager / guru in training Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1124 Columbia St. Seattle Wa. 98104 bitnet - JOE@FHCRCVAX arpa/internet - JOE%FHCRCVAX.BITNET@OLY.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU voice - (206) 467-4970