This package consists of programs based on Donald Knuth's WEB System of Structured Documentation, which is the programming methodology used to develop the TeX document compiler, the METAFONT typeface compiler, and all of the support programs for both. The package is composed of three parts: 1) MWEB, a variation of the WEB system which has been adapted to the Modula-2 language (regular WEB uses Pascal as its programming language) 2) WEBMERGE, a program to merge multiple change files together (change files are used to make implementation-dependent changes to an implementation-independent base WEB file---the WEB processors allow only one change file per WEB file) 3) SCANTEX/SCANWEAVE, programs to strip out the parts of a WEB listing which have not been modified by a change file. 4) the LaTex sources for the slides used in session LT005 (Literate Programming: The WEB System of Structured Documentation) at the DECUS Fall 1987 Symposium in Anaheim, with the sample program used in the session. WEB itself is not included in this submission; it is normally bundled with TeX and can be found elsewhere in the DECUS library. TeX is required to use this package anyway, and WEB will come with it. This directory structure contains: [.webm] Files pertaining to WEBMERGE. Print the User's Guide (WEBMUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. [.mweb] Files pertaining to MWEB, a Modula-2 version of the WEB system. Print the User's Guide (MWEBUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. [.scan] Files pertaining to SCANTEX/SCANWEAVE, programs to scan TeX files output by WEAVE and remove sections which have not changed. Print the User's Guide (SCANUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. [.lt005_87f_talk] LaTeX sources and sample program for session LT005 at Anaheim 1987. All of the documentation for these programs is in LaTeX source form. If you don't have a running TeX/WEB system, the programs will be useless anyway. If you have TeX running, but not LaTeX, the DVI files are provided and can be sent directly to the TeX device driver for your output device.