Note: These programs are at least rudimentarily debugged, however errors may still exist in pïrtions of the code. I do not get paid to support or write code and as such will accept no phone calls regarding this software. If yïu locate any bugs you may write the following address: Bruce Ellis Independent Consultant 16263 W. 70th Place Arvada, CO 80004 Upon acceptance of this software it is assumed that these tools will be used in a non-profit personal use fashion. NOTE: THESE PROGRAMS TYPICALLY RUN IN KERNEL MODE AND RUN WITH THE ASSOCIATED RISKS. Description of tools: ADDRESS_TRANSLATION.MAR;16: This program will perform address translation on any P0/P1/S0 space address entered in the context of the process designated (To the degree possible). This code is undocumented (see dallas session notes for documente version) DEADPT.MAR;3: This program lists the dead page table scans that have occured on the system since the last boot. It runs in user mode and as such will not cause any crashes. DEALO.MAR;3: This program deallocates a device allocated to another user. DUMP_BLOCK_COUNTS.MAR;27/LOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER.MAR;18/ UNLOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER.MAR;6: These programs may be used to obtain counts of reads/writes/size of reads/size of writes/ paging ios/swapping ios/split ios to a given spindle. LOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER is run to monitor the disks (it only handles one disk at a time). DUMP_BLOCK_COUNTS spills out all of the information logged since the counter was loaded. UNLOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER cleans up the pool and restores the start io entry point of the driver. SHOW_PROC_FILES.MAR;39/FIDTONAME.MAR;34/SPILL_FILE_INFO.MAR;24 SHOW_PROC_FILES.mar will locate and display all open files by a given process, including the number of reads and writes since the file was opened, the number of mapping pointers in the file. FIdTONAME converts the file id to file name. SPILL_FILE_INFO displays the info. These modules should be linked together. I do not believe that this will work on volume sets. GET_HIT.MAR;5: This is a subroutine when linked with a program will return the global buffer hit and miss rates on any file with a rab address passed as input. (see INDEX.FOR as an example of calling this routine. PFM.MAR;6/PFMFILWRT.MAR;9/PFM_FORMAT.MAR;8 PFMFILWRT.EXE should be copied into sys$system:. PFM is linked in with any program and will enable pagefault monitoring. PFM_FORMAT will format the output. This is a fairly simplistic implementation and may require extensive modification. SHOWBASE.MAR;26: This program will show the base virtual addresses of all shareable images as well as the main line program, while a process is running the linked image. SHOW_SHARE.MAR;14; This program wil show the number of pages actually being shared in a given set of global sections with a section name of "name_". WSBLASTER.MAR;5: This program will purge another processes working set. FAULT.FOR;38: A simple exercise with ASTs. PERF.C;8: A c program to display performance stats. Link as follows: $link perf,sys$system:sys.stb,sys$input/opt vaxcrtl/share ^z ¤ Be carefull out there! be