Cornell University Submissions Coordinated by: Dennis P. Costello National Nanofabrication Facility G02 Knight Lab Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5403 607-255-2329 TPC - Author: Dennis Costello VAX Native Mode replacement for the TPC utility. This version fixes one small bug in the version submitted to the Spring 86 (Dallas) tape, where the tape drive specified on the command line was required to be MS:. Turns out that the string 'MS:' appeared in one spot in the code, but I only noticed this very recently, because I had defined MS (and MSA, MS0, MSA0) to be logicals which translate to MUA0: when I got a TU81. My apologies to any who were confused. New versions of TPCIN.COM and TPCOUT.COM are also enclosed. Source, object and executable files are included. Simply change the appropriate line in TPC.CLD to point the correct location of the image file, then issue the following commands (the compiles and link were performed under VMS 4.6): $ pas tpc ! optional $ for tapeio ! optional $ mar read ! optional $ link tpc, tapeio, read ! optional $ set command tpc $ libr /insert sys$help:helplib/help tpc To use TPC to copy a tape using a TU81 (TU81+, TK50) tape drive, issue the following commands: $ mou mu:/for/cache=tape_data/nowrite $ tpc mu: disk:[directory]file.tap $ dism mu: $ mou mu:/for/cache=tape_data $ tpc disk:[directory]file.tap mu: $ dism mu: TPCIN.COM and TPCOUT.COM (included on the tape) have been set up to do the two sides of the copy operation automatically. I usually submit these as batch jobs. Note that the /CACHE=TAPE_DATA speeds up TPC by a factor of about 4, in that TPC does not perform overlapped I/Os and therefore has no other hope of getting the tape to stream. If the output tape should be 6250, include /DENS=6250 on the MOUNT command for the output tape. This has not been tested with long file names (I usually use .TAP as a filetype with TPC). The output tape need not be the same density, nor written on the same drive, as the input tape, but note that there is no attempt to handle premature end-of-tape or other I/O errors with any element of grace at all.