This area contains Pageswapper issues between the Fall 1986 and Spring 1987 DECUS US Symposia, as well as the Pageswapper I/O VAXnotes file. PAGSWP805.MEM PAGSWP806.MEM PAGSWP807.MEM PAGSWP808.MEM PAGSWP809.MEM PAGSWP810.MEM PAGSWP811.MEM IO.NOTE (VAXnotes format) NOTE: Files have been copied into a backup save-set and the save-set has been compressed into the file THIS_DIR.BCK_LZW. To restore it proceed as follows: 1. Define a foreign command to find LZCMP $LZC = "$[VAX87B]LZCMP" 2. Decompress $LZC THIS_DIR.BCK_LZW SYS$LOGIN:PAGESWAPPER.BCK 3. Restore with backup $BACKUP/LOG SYS$LOGIN:PAGESWAPPER.BCK/SAVE [...] ! or wherever, just suggesting that you do not put it back in [VAX87A.PAGESWAPPER] in case you make a tape for someone from your copy of the tape on disk.