These customizations to tpu's edt keypad emulator are implemented with the following files: CHEATSHEET.RNO is the DSR source for a single-page summary of the key definitions implemented in VMS, standard TPU EDT, or the Kalamazoo College customizations. CUSTOM.RNO is the DSR source for a handout given to users switching over from real EDT to this TPU emulation. KAZSECINI.TPU is the TPU source for the Kalamazoo College customizations. TPUEDT.RNO is the DSR source for the paper on the programming of the customizations, written as a candidate for last-minute inclusion in the December, 1985 DECUS Symposium. TPUINI.TPU is the TPU source given to individual users as their personalizable editor initialization. [editors notes follow...] Our friends at Kalamazoo have made these programs available on the Anaheim DECUS tapes. However there are two bugs they have isolated that need fixing, here and to the tapes: 1) In KAZ_GET_OUT there must be an ON_ERROR added so thatif diskquota is full the work will not be lost. 2) In KAZ_SWAP_DELIMS & KAZ_DEFINE_KEYS the return keymust be redefined to allow PF2_help to be exited. $ !put the files in your sys$login dir for the following steps. $ !each user should have a copy of tpuini.tpu in their sys$login to customize. $ SET DEF SYS$LOGIN $ EDIT/COMM=KAZSECINI.TPU/NOSEC !THIS PRODUCES KAZSECINI.NEW IN SYS$LOGIN $ RENAME KAZSECINI.NEW KAZSECINI.GBL $ ! at this point move the .gbl file to a system directory if desired. $ ! now, in put the symbol def. $ EDI :== "EDIT/TPU/SECTION=SYS$?:KAZSECINI.gbl/command=SYS$LOGIN:tpuini.tpu" The filenames are important, change at your own risk.