From: 3-NOV-1986 22:43 To: various... Subj: BULLETIN You are about to receive a copy of the PFC BULLETIN. This software is public domain. I will gladly accept reasonable suggestions for modifications, and will attempt to fix bugs as quickly as possible. You will be receiving 7 files for the 10/1/86 version of BULLETIN facility. They are: 1) BULLETIN.FOR 2) BULLSUB0.FOR 3) BULLSUB1.FOR 4) BULLSUB2.FOR 5) BULLSUB3.FOR 6) ALLMACS.MAR 7) BULLET.COM (They will be indentified in the SUBJECT header.) BULLET.COM is a command procedure which when run, will create several small files. This takes about a minutes. After you run it, you can delete it. Read AAAREADME.TXT for installation instructions. NOTE: Remember to strip off any header that is created on these files that is added when converting them from mail messages to files, including blank lines. SECOND NOTE: The feature which allows setting up folders to be publicly readable but with limited access for writing requires at least VMS VERSION 4.4, as the code uses a new system service $CHECK_ACCESS. The code is in BULLSUB2.FOR, and instructions are there for how to comment it out if you are running an earlier version. This will simply cause the feature to be disabled. Creating fully private folders will still be possible (i.e. limited access for both reading and writing). I've had various problems sending files to certain sites. I've had to reduce file sizes in order to transfer the files, and more reduction may be necessary. BITNET sites are being sent files without any TABs, as TABs were getting converted to 4 spaces. Please let me know of any sites which have similar problems (or any other type, for that matter). Thank you. Mark London MRL%PFCVAX@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU