BATCH.COM Command file to submit one or more DCL commands as a batch job. It tries to preserve the current environment. BIORYTHM.PAS Source file for a biorythm program. DEHEX.MAR HEXIFY.MAR Source file to de-hexify a file created by hexify. These two are programs from a previous DECUS Kermit package. The programs are modified to properly handle large files (whose nunmber of blocks fit in a longword, not a word) DIRED.EXE A directory editor. Lets you mark files for delete, to look at files. Great for cleaning up directories. DIRTOTAL.COM DIRTOTAL.EXE DIRTOTAL.RAT A program which gives a block size total by directory (total includes subdirectories) on a disk DISKDIR.COM An example command file using DIRTOTAL to mail a disk hog report to SYSTEM. EDTPLUS.TPU An enhanced EDT interface using TPU. Has multiple windows, replace with confirm, etc. Need to define logical name USR. EDT_PLUS_TPU.KEY Keyboard usage map for EDTPLUS.TPU EDTMEMORY.COM A command file to invoke EDTPLUS, remembering last file edited in current login session. KEPTTPU.COM Run TPU as subprocess. EDTMEMORY.LSE LSEDIT.KEY An enhanced EDT interface for LSE. Used as an initialization file. FIGNTAB.COM FIGNTAB.FOR FIGNTAB.INC FIGNTAB.RNO A RUNOFF preprocessor which allows you to reference figures and tables numberes by section numbers. Forward and backward references. FIXMAIL.MAR A crude macro program to clean the new MAIL count for any user. Useful when READ/NEW fails. Set default to SYS$SYSTEM to run it. HOLD.COM Hold your terminal (with password) while you are away. LOOP.COM Execute a DCL command repeatedly. (ex. loop sho users) POP.COM PUSH.COM Set default directory, keeping pushed directories on a stack. SETUSER.MAR Source file to set username, default directory, privileges, and execute of the user. WHO.MAR Show users. Allowing virtual terminals.