INFO [item][,item...] ! up to 80 items [/ALL] ! display all types of processes [/BATCH] ! display batch process [/DETACHED] ! display detached process [/DEVICE] ! display device owners process [/DISPLAY=( [ CPU[:length]] ! cpu time [,IMAGE[:length]] ! image name [,LOGIN[:length]] ! login time [,NEWLINE[:length]] ! new line (for formatting) [,OWNER[:length]] ! owner's pid [,PID[:length]] ! process id [,PROCESS[:length]] ! process name [,SPACE[:length]] ! spaces (for formatting) [,TAB[:length]] ! tab (for formatting) [,TERMINAL[:length]] ! terminal name [,TYPE[:length]] ! type of process [,UIC[:length]] ! process UIC [,USERNAME[:length]] ! process username )] [/[NO]ERASE] ! erase screen before display (default) [/INTERACTIVE] ! display interactive process [/REPEAT[=interval]] ! repeat display, waiting "interval" [/[NO]SORT] ! sorting options, specified the same as in /DISPLAY [/SUBPROCESS] ! display subprocess [/WIDTH[=linelength]] ! controls diplay width Where "item" is a username, or, if "/DEVICE" is used, a device name. Length specifies how many characters the field is going to take, a colon with no length following it signifies that only enough space will be reserved for the field, depending on the actual length of the item. i.e. TERMINAL:4 will print the first four letters of the terminal name, TERMINAL: will reserve however many characters it takes to print out the terminal name, TERMINAL:10 will reserve ten characters, padding with blanks.