. BAckup - Backup files to tape& CErtify - Certify Tape. CLock - Terminal alarm clock7 DDT - Draw Directory Tree structure> ERrors nn - Translate VMS error codes to english< IWQ - Insert file into WP Transfer Queue: Open_Files - Show process's open files< PRoblem - Submit a VAX System Problem Report? QDisplay - Compact display of Print/Batch Queues: RESequence - Resequence a Fortran source fileA RMSerror nn - Translate RMS error codes to english ( RT - Reset terminal= STrip - Strip off trailing blanks from fileC TRansform - Transform a file from one form to another8 UDK - Create a VT2xx UDK load moduleB VAXnet - Use VAXnet (dial out to other computers)= VWQ - View Word Processing Transfer QueueL Word-File - Create DEFAULT.WRD for the spelling checker