ACMGR. ------ ACMGR is a home-brewed tool for management of user accounts in an academic environment. It can be accessed via the command $acmgr == "@ac$mgr:achdlr" . ACHDLR is a simple menu-handler for the program. The files included on this tape are: ACHDLR.COM menu CLASAC.COM add a new class DELSUB.COM delete a subdirectory DELTREE.COM delete a directory DQUOT.COM modify disk quota for user HANDIN.COM permit GROUP(:RE) access to a file HIDE.COM restrict GROUP(:RE) access LSTUSR.COM list the users in a class MORAC.COM add more users to a class README.1ST these notes REMAC.COM remove one user account RESETPW.COM reset a user's password V134.DOC session notes for DECUS Spring '85 Any questions concerning the workings of this program should be dirrected to: Steven Szep Pratt Institute Computing Resources 200 Willoughby Avenue Brooklyn, NJ 11205 (718) 636-3609 Caveat: While we believe that this presentation describes user accounting facilities under VAX/VMS V3.5, neither I nor Pratt Institute can be held responsible for any inaccu- racies.