DECUS submission from the Florida Solar Energy Center, May 1985. Contact: Jeff Burch, FSEC 300 State Road 401 Cape Canaveral, FL 32931 (305)-783-0300 Subject: A screen management library for FORTRAN programs is described that allow "EDT" like data entry from the user's terminal. Currently, this package works only on VT100 compatible terminals and makes extensive use of the keypad for fancy curser movement. For a quick preview, run the demo programs and hit the PF2 key to view the help functions. Background: At FSEC, many FORTRAN application programs are in use that require extensive data input and modification from the user via the terminal. For instance, a building thermal simulation program may have many parameters that the user can change before program execution, or a mailing labels programs requires significant terminal input for new additions, deletions, modifications, etc. This screen management library serves as a standard interface for programs requiring elaborate data entry. The screen is defined in a simple ascii file that can be produced with any text editor. The layout of titles, labels, prompts, etc are created directly where they should appear on the user's screen. Data fields are defined with a sequence of "_" characters. The applications program opens the screen definition file, loads three screen arrays for integer, real and character data and makes a single call to the master screen routine. The user modifies the data fields displayed on the screen and returns control to the application program by typing a control-Z. The keypad definitions parallel those of the standard VAX EDT editor (eg: keypad 2 is EOL and the sequence PF1 & keypad 2 is DEL EOL). Type PF2 for help. The keypad can be toggled between applications and numeric mode by the PF3 key. Entry into the data fields can be either in insert or exchange mode. The keypad "." key toggles this feature. Implementation: This screen library works only on VT100 compatible terminals. The program check the value of the DCL symbol "terminal_type" which must be equal to "V100" for the routine to continue. If the program is run in batch mode or from a command file without DEFINE/USER_MODE set, the program will read data from the command file and will not attempt to do fancy screen IO to TT:. This is my first submission to the DECUS library, more documentation will be coming in future releases. Study SCR_SCRIN, the demos, and the demo screen definition files for more information. The routine SCR_RDSECT gives more info on the screen definition files. The SCREEN.FOR is the include block and defines all global variables. Best of luck!