Submissions from Battelle Columbus Labs coordinated by: Gary L. Grebus Battelle Columbus Labs 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 (614)424-7156 This is the late-Friday-afternoon-before-DECUS submission from Battelle Columbus Labs. I have tried to include some of the more significant or useful things we have written or adapted under VMS V4.1. Of particular interest may be the three modified print symbionts. While they have been tailored very specifically to our site, they can hopefully serve as examples for anyone trying to contort the standard symbiont into doing unusual things. CAVEAT: THESE SYMBIONTS DO A FEW THINGS NOT SPECIFICALLY DOCUMENTED IN THE UTILITY ROUTINES MANUAL. THEY MAY NOT WORK WITH FUTURE RELEASES OF VMS, AND THERE MAY STILL BE SOME BUGS IN THEM AT THIS TIME. As this is a last minute effort, documentation is essentially nil. Everything is fairly well commented, but some of the details may be obscure. This is particularly true of the symbionts, which were extracted from our farily elaborate extended print facilities. Feel free to write or call if you need more information. The following items are submitted: 1. [.CLEANDISK] CLEANDISK is a utility to remove all files from a directory tree that are over a specified number of days old. It is currently set up to remove files with "scratch" file types (.LIS, .LOG, .TMP, .PLT,...). It's main advantage over DELETE is that it checks for all matching file types on one pass through the file system. (DELETE makes separate passes for each file type in the list). 2. [.HANDLESMB] HANDLESMB is a modified print symbiont which inserts special job burst pages based on values passed via the /PARAMETER qualifier of PRINT. We use it to flag print jobs which contain sensitive data or require special mailing or distribution. If no /PARAMETER is supplied, it generates a normal VMS burst page. 3. [.HASPSMB] HASPSMB is a modified print symbiont for transmitting files for printing on a remote mainframe. It "prints" the job into a file. The file is written as a mainframe batch job and is transmitted over a remote job entry link (in our case a modified copy of the Software Results Corporation COMBOARD/HASP). The file contains the mainframe job control statements, and a "card image" copy of the print lines. [.HASPSMB.FRMCARD] contains a program to unpack the card image files into print lines. Page 2 4. [.MONITORJOB] This is a command procedure which we run daily as an detached process. It collects MONITOR data during prime usage hours. The daily data is summarized, and the summary displays are archived to provide a historical picture of average system usage. 5. [.SETNODEID] SETNODEID is a program to add an entry to the system rights list containing the processor's node name. This identifier can then be used in ACL's to restrict access to software not licensed on all machines in a cluster. 6. [.SHAREINS] SHAREINS is a program to allow non-privileged users to install images with the /SHARED attribute. It must be installed with CMKRNL. When run, it performs a series of UIC and identifier based access checks and then spawns a subprocess to perform the INSTALL. 7. [.UAFDEF] UAFDEF.DTR is a Datatrieve record definition for the VMS V4 UAF record. We have found DTR to be a valuable tool for doing UAF related reports and maintenance. WARNING: no attempt has been made to actually write (or replace) UAF records using this definition. If it works, let me know. Being the cautious sort, I have always used DTR to generate AUTHORIZE commands to make any necessary changes. 8. [.VARY] VARY is a utility for marking a device as unavailable for allocation. It was developed to support dual-ported MASSBUS tape drives, but could be used for most any device. See [.VARY]VARY.DOC for more information. Note: cluster visible devices must be VARY'ed off on each node on which they are accessible. 9. [.XGPSMB] XGPSMB is a modified print symbiont for generating tapes for eventual printing on a Xerox 8700 Laser Printer. It generates the appropriate laser printer directives (for our laser printer configuration, at least) and formats the VMS print files into standard FORTRAN carriage control print lines. The symbiont also supports processing files containing binary data, such as SCRIBE output.